Requirements for detector commissioning Functional requirements Log Entries create log entries from GUI, process attach files to log entries (either at creation time or afterwards) connect log entries to 0 to n runs (either at creation time or afterwards) add tags to log entries (either at creation time or afterwards) (TO BE DISCUSSED FURTHER) administer tags (TO BE DISCUSSED FURTHER) display log entries in compact table display log entries in full mode filter log entries by tag, free text, author, creation time order log entries reply to log entries (threads) paging sytem Runs add run info from C++ process, Go process ? display run summary in compact table form display run detailed info add tags to runs (afterwards) administer tags (TO BE DISCUSSED FURTHER) filter runs by tag, run number, start/stop time, ... order runs paging system export to CSV Non-functional requirements SSO Ansible recipes integration with infoLogger Database model