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File metadata and controls

87 lines (71 loc) · 4.49 KB

ArduinoControls class

This ArduinoControls class is used at the Maastricht Institute of Arts exposition during the "Generative Art" semester. Students build their own Arduino remote controller with 3 potentiometers, 3 pushbuttons and 3 LEDs.

This library simplifies the use for these controls. It adds functionality like:

  • executing single commands when longpressing pushbuttons;
  • multiple pushbuttons being pressed
  • smooth analog potmeter values, reducing 'jumping' values
  • fallback to keyboard and mouse when not using arduino
  • only write LED once instead of continuously, preventing flickering


Be sure to check the console to find the correct serial port. In this example port 3 (index 2) is used.

// Import the library to your sketch
import bpm.library.arduinocontrols.*;

// Import the arduino and serial libraries
import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;

Arduino arduino;
ArduinoControls ac;

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);

  arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[2], 57600);

  ac = new ArduinoControls(this)

void draw() {

  // if mouse position is to the left, turn LED on, else turn it off
  if (mouseX < width/2) ac.setLED(0, 1);
  else ac.setLED(0, 0);

  text("on", width/4, height/2);
  text("off", width/4*3, height/2);
  stroke(255, 0, 0);
  line(width/2, 0, width/2, height);

The ArduinoControls class provides the following main functions:

  • setLEDToOn(0) function that turns on the LED with index 0. If it's an LED that was set up with PWM, it uses 255, else Arduino.High.
  • setLEDToOff(2) function that turns off the LED with index 2.
  • setLED(0,200) function that sets the value of LED with index 0 to 200. All values set to LEDs are only set once in draw() to prevent flickering.
  • getPushButton(0) function that returns true while the pushbutton with index 0 is being pushed.
  • getPushButtonOnce(0) function that returns true if the pushbutton with index 0 was pushed. Only returns true for the duration of 1 frame.
  • getPotentiometer(0) functon that returns the raw normalized value from potentiometer with index 0, without any smoothing
  • getPotentiometer(0, 0.5) functon that returns the smoothed normalized value from potentiometer with index 0. Smoothness is a value between 0 and 1 which adds a little delay.

You can tweak the behaviour of this library with the following functions (you can also chain them when initializing your arduinocontrols object for clarity):

  • .addArduino(arduino) mandatory to add the global arduino object to the class. If you omit it, the keypresses associated with all controls will be enabled.
  • .addLED(9) to add an LED to the class at digital port 9.
  • .addLED(10, LEDMode.PWM) to add an LED to the class at digital port 10 as a PWM connected LED. The LEDMode argument is optional (default is LEDMode.DIGITAL).
  • .addPushButton(7, '1', Arduino.LOW) to add a pushbutton to the class at digital port 7, that is controllable with the keyboard key '1' when not connected and has a value of Arduino.LOW when pressed. All three arguments are mandatory.
  • .addPotentiometer(0, 'q') to add a potentiometer to the class at analog port 0, that is controllable with the mouseX position while pressing the keyboard key 'q'. Both arguments are mandatory.
  • .showInfoPanel() to show the infopanel.
  • .setInfoPanelY(n) to offset the starting y-position of the infopanel by n pixels. Useful for when you have multiple infopanels to get them all lined up.
  • .setInfoPanelKey('u') to change the hotkey to toggle the infopanel. Useful for when you have multiple infopanels. Defaults to 'i'.
  • .disableKeyPress() to disable listening for keypresses. If you don't disable keypresses, then the keys you provided as arguments for pushbuttons and potentiometers will work


You can find all these examples in Processing -> File - Examples - Contributed Libraries - BPM timings - ArduinoControls.

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