我的树莓派,最近会逐渐写一点运行在上面的python脚本。 http://www.machtalk.net/device/dataview/df104baddce24fd0a5e976c90fc07df3 可以在这里看到结果。
Add C language && golang support
Add DHT11 sensor support Add DHT22 sensor support
Add machtalk.net support
add std::thread support (need c++11 support )
add mysql support (dht22)
1. Copy cronfile to /home/pi/ folder
2. Setup crontab
$ crontab /home/pi/cronfile
3. Replace [machtalk/dht22/machtalk_dht22.cpp] line 69 && line 70 with you own info
4. Build for you pi
$ git clone https://github.com/sndnvaps/MyRasPi.git
$ cd MyRasPi
$ sudo su
$ cd machtalk
$ vim dht22/dht22.h # setup dht22 for you own gpio pin , i was set to gpio pin 7
$ cmake .
$ make install
5. have fun ,you have success install machtalk_dht22 into you pi /usr/local/bin/
[] Add iniparser support