- Blockchain account
- The blockchain account represents a digital identity on
the blockchain. The blockchain account represents user’s ownership of assets
on the blockchain. The blockchain account can hold, send, and receive
cryptocurrency and tokens. The blockchain account has the associated digital
ledger of debit and credit transactions and the current balance of the
account. The account components
- Private key
- The private key is a large randomly generated secret number used to control assets on the blockchain by signing transactions that spend funds from the account
- Account address
- The Account address is a hash of the public key, derived from the corresponding private key, that uniquely identifies the account on the blockchain
- Account balance
- The account balance is the amount of divisible cryptocurrency or indivisible tokens controlled by the private key of the account
- Account transactions
- The account transactions is a time-ordered list of debit and credit transactions involving the account
Account operations
- Create account
- The create account operation derives the public address and stores the password-protected private key
- Sign transaction
- The sign transaction operation creates a digital signature of the transaction with the private key of the signing account
- Verify transaction
- The verify transaction signature operation recovers the public key of the signing account from the hash of the encoded transaction and the transaction signature, derives the public address from the recovered public key, and compares the derived public address with the account address of the signing account
- Check account balance
- The check account balance operation gets the current balance of the account from the confirmed state of the blockchain
- List account transactions
- The list account transactions operation enumerates all debit and credit transactions involving the account
The account on the blockchain is represented by a key pair that consist of a private key and a public key
- Private key
- The private key is a large randomly generated secret number that is used to derive the public key and digitally sign transactions. The private key must be kept in secret to preserve account authenticity and control account assets on the blockchain
- Public key
- The public key is a pair of large numbers derived from the private key. The public key is used to identify the account on the blockchain and verify transactions signed with the account private key. The public key can be safely shared with any participant on the blockchain
The implementation of this blockchain uses the Elliptic-Curve Cryptography (ECC). Specifically, the Secp256k1 elliptic curve is used for generation of key pairs for accounts on the blockchain, as well as signing and verification of transactions on the blockchain
- Secp256k1 public key
- The public key holds the name
of the elliptic curve and two large numbersX
derived from the corresponding private keyCurve string
Secp256k1 curve name. Always P-256k1
X, Y *big.int
Two large derived numbers type p256k1PublicKey struct { Curve string `json:"curve"` X *big.Int `json:"x"` Y *big.Int `json:"y"` } func newP256k1PublicKey(pub *ecdsa.PublicKey) p256k1PublicKey { return p256k1PublicKey{Curve: "P-256k1", X: pub.X, Y: pub.Y} }
- Secp256k1 private key
- The private key holds the large random secret number
and embeds the derived public keyp256k1PublicKey
. The*ecdsa.PublicKey
and the*ecdsa.PrivateKey
keys can be retrieved from thep256k1PrivateKey
Embedded public key D *big.Int
Large random secret number type p256k1PrivateKey struct { p256k1PublicKey D *big.Int `json:"d"` } func newP256k1PrivateKey(prv *ecdsa.PrivateKey) p256k1PrivateKey { return p256k1PrivateKey{ p256k1PublicKey: newP256k1PublicKey(&prv.PublicKey), D: prv.D, } } func (k *p256k1PrivateKey) publicKey() *ecdsa.PublicKey { return &ecdsa.PublicKey{Curve: ecc.P256k1(), X: k.X, Y: k.Y} } func (k *p256k1PrivateKey) privateKey() *ecdsa.PrivateKey { return &ecdsa.PrivateKey{PublicKey: *k.publicKey(), D: k.D} }
The p256k1PublicKey
and p256k1PrivateKey
types are used for JSON encoding
and decoding of Secp256k1 private and public keys, which, in turn, is used for
persistence and re-creation of accounts on the blockchain
- Account address
- The account address uniquely identifies an account on the
blockchain and can be safely shared with any participant on the blockchain.
The account address is the Keccak256 hash of the encoded public key associated
with the account. The account address is implemented as a type alias to a
string. The account address is calculated from a
type Address string func NewAddress(pub *ecdsa.PublicKey) Address { jpub, _ := json.Marshal(newP256k1PublicKey(pub)) hash := make([]byte, 64) sha3.ShakeSum256(hash, jpub) return Address(hex.EncodeToString(hash[:32])) }
- Account
- The account contains the Secp256k1 private key and the account
address derived from the corresponding Secp256k1 public key using the
Keccak256 hash function. A new Secp256k1 key pair is generated when a new
account is created
prv *ecdsa.PrivateKey
Secp256k1 private key addr Address
Derived account address type Account struct { prv *ecdsa.PrivateKey addr Address // derived } func NewAccount() (Account, error) { prv, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(ecc.P256k1(), rand.Reader) if err != nil { return Account{}, err } addr := NewAddress(&prv.PublicKey) return Account{prv: prv, addr: addr}, nil }
The private key is the only piece of information required to re-create an account after persisting the account to an encrypted file protected with the owner-provided password. Accounts on this blockchain are persisted to files with restricted access. The encoded key pair of the account is encrypted with the owner-provided password before being persisted to a file with restricted access. Only the owner of the account can re-create the account and use the account to sign transactions by providing the correct password to decrypt the account key pair
- Account persistence
- The account persistence process
- Encode the account key pair
- Encrypt the encoded key pair with the owner-provided password
- Write the encrypted key pair to a file with restricted access
func (a Account) Write(dir string, pass []byte) error { jprv, err := a.encodePrivateKey() if err != nil { return err } cprv, err := encryptWithPassword(jprv, pass) if err != nil { return err } err = os.MkdirAll(dir, 0700) if err != nil { return err } path := filepath.Join(dir, string(a.Address())) return os.WriteFile(path, cprv, 0600) }
The structure of the encoded key pair before encryption
"curve": "P-256k1",
"x": 76146145399705616720589739763260279141573762368317905858350098027838154138247,
"y": 38666865918508785210169373834294899085353404099611077977239116930574874120850,
"d": 4551610683346874789776802044583374602892654338372126162371523966290596962565
- Account re-creation
- The account re-creation process
- Read the encrypted key pair from a file
- Decrypt the encrypted key pair with the owner-provided password
- Decode the encoded key pair
- Re-create the account from the decoded key pair
func ReadAccount(path string, pass []byte) (Account, error) { cprv, err := os.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { return Account{}, err } jprv, err := decryptWithPassword(cprv, pass) if err != nil { return Account{}, err } return decodePrivateKey(jprv) }
- AES-GCM encryption with Argon2 KDF
- The encryption process
- Argon2 Key Derivation Function (KDF) derives a cryptographically strong encryption key from the owner-provided password and a randomly generated salt
- Create the AES block cipher that uses the derived cryptographically strong encryption key
- Create the AES-GCM encryption mode from the AES block cipher
- AES-GCM encrypts the encoded key pair with a randomly generated nonce
- Pack the random salt, the random nonce, and the ciphertext all together into a slice of bytes to be written to a file. Both the random salt for the Argon2 KDF and the random nonce for the AES-GCM encryption are public, but must be unique
func encryptWithPassword(msg, pass []byte) ([]byte, error) { salt := make([]byte, encKeyLen) _, err := rand.Read(salt) if err != nil { return nil, err } key := argon2.IDKey(pass, salt, 1, 256, 1, encKeyLen) blk, err := aes.NewCipher(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } gcm, err := cipher.NewGCM(blk) if err != nil { return nil, err } nonce := make([]byte, gcm.NonceSize()) _, err = rand.Read(nonce) if err != nil { return nil, err } ciph := gcm.Seal(nonce, nonce, msg, nil) ciph = append(salt, ciph...) return ciph, nil }
- AES-GCM decryption with Argon2 KDF
- The decryption process
- Argon2 KDF derives the encryption key from the owner-provided password and the random salt extracted from the ciphertext
- Create the AES block cipher that uses the derived cryptographically strong encryption key
- Create the AES-GCM encryption mode from the AES block cipher
- AES-GCM decrypts the encoded key pair using the ciphertext and the random nonce extracted from the ciphertext
func decryptWithPassword(ciph, pass []byte) ([]byte, error) { salt, ciph := ciph[:encKeyLen], ciph[encKeyLen:] key := argon2.IDKey(pass, salt, 1, 256, 1, encKeyLen) blk, err := aes.NewCipher(key) if err != nil { return nil, err } gcm, err := cipher.NewGCM(blk) if err != nil { return nil, err } nonceLen := gcm.NonceSize() nonce, ciph := ciph[:nonceLen], ciph[nonceLen:] msg, err := gcm.Open(nil, nonce, ciph, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } return msg, nil }
The gRPC Account
service provides the AccountCreate
method to create and
persist new accounts to the local key store of the blockchain node. The
interface of the service
message AccountCreateReq {
string Password = 1;
message AccountCreateRes {
string Address = 1;
service Account {
rpc AccountCreate(AccountCreateReq) returns (AccountCreateRes);
The implementation of the AccountCreate
- Validate the owner-provided password
- Create a new account by generating the account key pair
- Persist the generated account key pair to the local key store of the node
func (s *AccountSrv) AccountCreate(
_ context.Context, req *AccountCreateReq,
) (*AccountCreateRes, error) {
pass := []byte(req.Password)
if len(pass) < 5 {
return nil, status.Errorf(
codes.InvalidArgument, "password length is less than 5",
acc, err := chain.NewAccount()
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal , err.Error())
err = acc.Write(s.keyStoreDir, pass)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, err.Error())
res := &AccountCreateRes{Address: string(acc.Address())}
return res, nil
The gRPC Account
service provides the AccountBalance
method to check the
balance of an account from the confirmed state of the blockchain node. The
interface of the service
message AccountBalanceReq {
string Address = 1;
message AccountBalanceRes {
uint64 Balance = 1;
service Account {
rpc AccountBalance(AccountBalanceReq) returns (AccountBalanceRes);
The implementation of the AccountBalance
- Check the balance of the requested account address if the balance entry exists in the confirmed state of the blockchain node. An account can be created, but the balance entry in the confirmed state will be included only after the first transaction involving the account is validated and confirmed on the blockchain
func (s *AccountSrv) AccountBalance(
_ context.Context, req *AccountBalanceReq,
) (*AccountBalanceRes, error) {
acc := req.Address
balance, exist := s.balChecker.Balance(chain.Address(acc))
if !exist {
return nil, status.Errorf(
codes.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf(
"account %v does not exist or has not yet transacted", acc,
res := &AccountBalanceRes{Balance: balance}
return res, nil
The TestAccountWriteReadSignTxVerifyTx
testing process
- Create a new account
- Persist the new account
- Re-create the persisted account
- Create and sign a transaction
- Verify that the signature of the signed transaction is valid
go test -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.cov ./... -run AccountWriteRead
The TestAccountCreate
testing process
- Set up the gRPC server and client
- Create the gRPC account client
- Call the
method to create and persist a new account - Verify that the created account can be read from the local key store
go test -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.cov ./... -run AccountCreate
The TestAccountBalance
testing process
- Create and persist the genesis
- Create the state from the genesis
- Get the initial owner account and its balance from the genesis
- Set up the gRPC server and client
- Create the gRPC account client
- Check the balance of an existing account
- Call the
method to get the balance of an existing account - Verify that balance is correct
- Call the
- Check the balance of a non-existing account
- Call the
method to get the balance of a non-existing account - Verify that the correct error is returned
- Call the
go test -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.cov ./... -run AccountBalance
The blockchain node in this blockchain consists of the in-memory confirmed and pending state that holds confirmed balances and nonces of all accounts, the reference to the last confirmed block, and that list of pending transactions sent by clients or relayed by other nodes that are not yet validated and packed into a confirmed block. Each proposed block is validated, and, if successful, the confirmed block is immediately appended to the local block store on every node. The blockchain node manages the blockchain state and interactions with other nodes connected through the peer-to-peer network. All interactions between blockchain nodes and with clients are performed at any blockchain node through the gRPC interface. A single blockchain node is autonomous, self-contained, and provides the same set of gRPC services as any other node on the peer-to-peer blockchain network. In this blockchain there is the single bootstrap and authority node. The bootstrap node serves as the seed node for other nodes during the initial peer discovery. The authority node signs the genesis and creates, signs, and proposes blocks on the blockchain to be validated by all other nodes on the blockchain including the authority node itself
- Bootstrap and authority node initialization
- The parameters to initialize
the bootstrap node and the authority node
specifies the node address--bootstrap
makes the node the bootstrap node for the initial peer discovery, and also makes the node the authority node for signing the genesis, proposing and signing new blocks--authpass
provides a password for the authority account to sign the genesis and proposed blocks on the blockchain--ownerpass
provides a password for the initial owner account on the blockchain--balance
specifies the balance for the initial owner account on the blockchain
Initialize the bootstrap node and the authority node
set boot localhost:1122
set authpass password
set ownerpass password
rm -rf .keystore* .blockstore* # cleanup if necessary
./bcn node start --node $boot --bootstrap --authpass $authpass \
--ownerpass $ownerpass --balance 1000
- Bootstrap and authority node start
- Start the already initialized bootstrap and authority node
./bcn node start --node $boot --bootstrap --authpass $authpass
The gRPC AccountCreate
method is exposed through the CLI. Create and persist a
new account on the local key store of the blockchain node
- Start the bootstrap node
./bcn node start --node $boot --bootstrap --authpass $authpass
- Create and persist a new account to the local key store of the bootstrap node
(in a new terminal)
specifies the node address--ownerpass
provides the password for the new account
./bcn account create --node $boot --ownerpass $ownerpass # acc 596cd4370df451aa9403dddf7febc949fa729eab8f2bdceebbc24477d6f4c80f
The gRPC AccountBalance
method is exposed through the CLI. Check the balance
of the initial owner account from the genesis or an account that have already
transacted on the blockchain
- Start the bootstrap node
./bcn node start --node $boot --bootstrap --authpass $authpass
- Get the account address of the initial owner account from the genesis file at
{ "chain": "blockchain", "authority": "f562ef45023a56a62a0a700d4f347affc0b0401dc77ab69cd8b0ac40b9c79249", "balances": { "d54173365ca6c47d482b0a06ba4f196049014145093778427383de19d66a76d7": 1000 }, "time": "2024-09-28T14:40:34.749369849+02:00", "sig": "yVlFB9LImlegWJ9XzLZ4Wslr+zTWBUQ1hanrzdABShN4KTZeYlc/jQbQerV68EKeqvpf8BmWOdmXhlRXA1wsOAA=" }
- Get the balance of the initial owner account from the genesis
set account d54173365ca6c47d482b0a06ba4f196049014145093778427383de19d66a76d7 ./bcn account balance --node $boot --account $account # acc d54173365ca6c47d482b0a06ba4f196049014145093778427383de19d66a76d7: 1000