Joe Mulholland, Tom Hojnacki. The Berklee Book of Jazz Harmony Kindle Edition - A book that describes all traditional concepts of a jazz harmony language (secondary dominants, tritone substitution, modal interchange, modulation, modal harmony). Each chapter analyzes a special piece written to showcase the very discussed chapter topic (unlike other books that analyze existing jazz standards). I'm not sure whether a Kindle version comes with a code to access the website with audio recordings of those pieces, the paperback one does. This is a new book using Berklee approach, so it supersedes the books by Barrie Nettles and Richard Graf
- The Jazz Standards Progressions Book - Hundreds of popular jazz standards manually analyzed by authors of mDecks to highlight jazz-specific harmonic patterns (tritone substitution, ii-V-s, to-minor, chord scales). Alternatively, you may buy Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro with the paid 1300 Jazz Standards add-on to explore all progressions on a tonal map
Paul F. Berliner. Thinking in Jazz: The Infinite Art of Improvisation
Dariusz Terefenko. Jazz Theory: From Basic to Advanced Study - Also has a companion website with a 1st edition workbook. See review 1, review 2
Wayne J. Naus: Beyond Functional Harmony - The music of the Yellowjackets. Also his "Advanced Harmonic Concepts".
Lego - the method of making sense of chunks of several jazz chords going together
- David Berkman. The Jazz Harmony Book
- https://github.com/shanahdt/smt_jazz_2019#some-reading
- Роман Столяр. Джаз. Введение в стилистику
- Чугунов Ю.Н. Учитесь подбирать на слух. 10 уроков по гармонизации эстрадных и джазовых мелодий
- Frank Sikora. Jazz Harmony. Think – Listen – Play. A Practical Approach