Initial Recording:
- Quantity: Record the number of items in each batch.
- Original Price: Note the price you paid for each batch.
- Purchase Date (Hijri): Record the date of purchase according to the Islamic lunar calendar (Hijri).
Price Change Tracking:
- Record Changes: Update the "exchange rate" for each batch whenever the price changes.
Zakat Calculation (End of Lunar Year):
- For each batch:
- Determine if a full lunar year has passed since the purchase date.
- If yes:
- Calculate the "Zakat value" using the current quantity and the latest exchange rate.
- Include this batch in the total Zakat calculation.
- If no:
- Exclude this batch from the Zakat calculation for this year. Its Zakat will be due in the following year when it completes a full lunar cycle.
- If yes:
- Determine if a full lunar year has passed since the purchase date.
- Sum the "Zakat values" of all eligible batches to get your total inventory value.
- Apply the 2.5% Zakat rate to the total value.
- For each batch:
- Lunar Year Cycle: Zakat on inventory is due after the goods have been in your possession for a full lunar year. This algorithm tracks the purchase date in the Hijri calendar to ensure accurate timing.
- Eligibility for Zakat: Only batches that have completed a full lunar year cycle are included in the Zakat calculation for that year.
- Postponed Zakat: Batches that haven't yet completed a full lunar year are excluded from the current year's Zakat calculation. Their Zakat will be due in the following year.
Example (with Lunar Cycle):
- Initial Recording:
- Batch 1: 100 scarves bought on 1st Muharram 1446H at $10 each.
- Batch 2: 50 scarves bought on 15th Rajab 1446H at $15 each.
- Price Change: Later in the year, the price of scarves in Batch 2 increases to $20 each.
- Zakat Calculation (End of 1446H):
- Batch 1: Full lunar year completed - include in Zakat calculation.
- 100 scarves at $10 each = $1000 Zakat value
- Batch 2: Not yet a full lunar year - exclude from Zakat calculation.
- Batch 1: Full lunar year completed - include in Zakat calculation.
- Zakat Calculation (End of 1447H):
- Batch 1: Already included in last year's Zakat - exclude.
- Batch 2: Full lunar year completed - include in Zakat calculation.
- 50 scarves at $20 each = $1000 Zakat value
Additional Tips:
- Hijri Calendar Tools: Utilize online converters or apps to easily track dates in the Hijri calendar.
- Clear Labeling: Clearly label each batch with its purchase date (Hijri) to facilitate easy tracking.
By incorporating the lunar year cycle, this algorithm ensures a more precise and religiously compliant calculation of Zakat on your inventory.