import 'package:osrm_dart_sdk/api.dart';
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
distance | double | The distance traveled by the route, in float meters. | [optional] |
duration | double | The estimated travel time, in float number of seconds. | [optional] |
geometry | Object | [optional] | |
weight | double | [optional] | |
name | String | [optional] | |
ref | String | [optional] | |
pronunciation | String | [optional] | |
destinations | Object | [optional] | |
exits | Object | [optional] | |
mode | String | [optional] | |
maneuver | StepManeuver | [optional] | |
intersections | List | [optional] [default to const []] | |
rotaryName | String | [optional] | |
rotaryPronunciation | String | [optional] | |
drivingSide | String | [optional] |