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Difficulty Tables

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Difficulty Rating System

Note: This section is mainly about the 7keys playmode. Other playmodes, like 9keys (pms) or 14keys (double play) have different rating systems.

There are multiple different scales used to rate BMS songs. The Normal (☆), Insane (★), Overjoy (★★), Satellite (sl) and Stella (st) scales are the most common standard scales.

Simply put, the standard scale goes from ☆1 to ☆12, then ★1 to ★25, and ★★1 to ★★7. There is some overlap between the Insane and Overjoy scales, where ★21 = ★★1 and ★25 = ★★5. A full side-by-side comparison of the level ranges (including Satellite and Stella) is given in a table below.

  • Note 1: There are non-standard scales, like the LN (◆) and Scratch (◎) scales)
  • Note 2: The Normal2 (▽) and the Insane2 (▼) tables use ▽ and ▼ instead of ☆ and ★. They mean the same thing.

The difficulty levels of the standard scales can be roughly divided into three broad categories:

Normal Range    (levels ☆1 to ☆12)

Insane Range    (levels ★1 to ★20)

Overjoy Range    (levels ★21=★★1 to ★★7)

Difficulty comparison table for the standard scales:

Click to view Difficulty Comparison Table
IIDX Comparison Normal/Insane Scale Overjoy Scale Satellite/Stella Scale
1 ☆1 (Normal)
2 ☆2
3 ☆3
4 ☆4
5 ☆5
6 ☆6
7 ☆7
8 ☆8
9 ☆9
10 ☆10
11 ☆11 sl0 (Satellite)
12 ☆12 sl0
12 ★1 (Insane) sl1
12 ★2 sl1
12 ★3 sl2
12 ★4 sl2-sl3
12 ★5 sl3
12 ★6 sl4
12 ★7 sl4
12 ★8 sl5
12 ★9 sl5
12 ★10 sl6
12 ★11 sl6-sl7
12 ★12 sl7
12 ★13 sl7-sl8
12 ★14 sl8
12 ★15 sl9
12 ★16 sl9-sl10
12 ★17 sl10-sl11
12 ★18 sl11-sl12
12 ★19 sl12-st0 (Stella)
12 ★20 st0
12 ★21 ★★1 st1
12 ★22 ★★2 st2
12 ★23 ★★3 st3
12 ★24 ★★4 st3
12 ★24 ★★4 st4
12 ★24 ★★4 st5
12 ★24 ★★4 st6
12 ★25 ★★5 st6
12 ★25 ★★5 st7
12 ★25 ★★5 st8
12 ★25 ★★5 st9
12 ★★6 st9
12 ★★6 st10
12 ★★7 st11

What are Difficulty Tables?

Difficulty tables are curated lists of "recommended" charts to play. These tables do not contain the charts or songs themselves. They are simply lists of charts (containing chart hashes so that the game can identify the charts). Charts in difficulty tables are listed by difficulty.

An example of a well-known difficulty table is the Insane scale, which divides charts into 25 levels, ★1 to ★25. For example, when we say a chart is ★10, it means it belongs to ★10 on the insane scale.

After loading a difficulty table into your BMS player (e.g. beatoraja), you will be able to see the list of charts in-game, and can play the charts by selecting them from the table. However, you will need to have the songs/charts already downloaded (i.e. somewhere in your BMS folder) before you can play them. See downloading songs/charts for more information.

Why use difficulty tables?

As BMS events are open for anyone to create and submit songs/charts, by design there is no quality control on the submissions. BMS events will contain both high and low quality songs/charts. Difficulty tables, in a sense, work as some sort of quality filter.

Difficulty tables also serve as level ratings for charts. The level indicated on the chart itself is set by the chart creator, and this level may not be accurate. The levels in the difficulty tables are decided by the creator of the table, and often has gone through some discussion within the community.

What are Dan Courses?

Courses can be included in difficulty tables. Among these courses are what people call "dan courses". A dan course is a specific set of (usually 4) songs used to test one's ability. In a course, you have to clear the sequence of given songs using a single health gauge that carries between songs. A player is said to have achieved a dan rank if they are able to clear the dan course corresponding to that rank.

The current "standard" set of dan courses used in BMS is the GENOSIDE 2018 dan courses. This is a set of 22 courses. In order of increasing difficulty, the courses are:

  • GENOSIDE 2018 初段 (normal 1st dan) to GENOSIDE 2018 十段 (normal 10th dan)
  • GENOSIDE 2018 発狂初段 (insane 1st dan) to GENOSIDE 2018 発狂十段 (insane 10th dan)
  • GENOSIDE 2018 発狂皆伝 (insane kaiden)
  • GENOSIDE 2018 overjoy

The song list for each of these courses can be viewed here: GENOSIDE 2018 Dan Courses

There are also other similar dan courses, like the Satellite/Stella courses, or the LN dan courses.

All the songs required for the GENOSIDE 2018 dan courses are included in the GENOSIDE 2018 Starter Package (with a few exceptions, listed below). You may also need to download the Append package and merge it into the GENOSIDE 2018 folder. (the Append package contains additional charts, which may be needed for the insane dans.)

These are the only dan songs missing from the GENOSIDE 2018 Starter Package:

  • ★20 ひつぎとふたご [7KEY/LUNATIC] - for insane 9th dan course
  • ★24 Love & Justice [GOD] - for insane kaiden course
  • ★25 FREEDOM DiVE [FOUR DIMENSIONS] - for overjoy course

Using difficulty tables in beatoraja

Note: If you are using Lunatic Rave 2 (LR2) instead of beatoraja, you need to use BeMusicSeeker to set up difficulty tables.

beatoraja tables use the same table format as glassist/BeMusicSeeker. Tables are hosted on webpages, and these pages have embedded .json data files containing the table data.

difficulty table in beatoraja

To use a table in beatoraja, go to the Resources tab in the beatoraja config, and add the table's URL into the list of table URLs. By default, the list already contains some common tables, like the Normal2, Insane2 and LN tables. The next section in this guide has a list of table URLs.

However, none of these tables will load until you click on Load difficulty table at the bottom of the config. This button fetches the table data from the webpages in the list.

After clicking on Load difficulty table, you should be able to see the tables in-game.

When scrolling through the tables in-game, you might find songs that have their names in red. This means you do not have the song/chart currently downloaded. Selecting an undownloaded song in beatoraja will open up the download links for the song and the chart in your default browser.

How do I play dan courses in beatoraja?

Note: beatoraja courses are stored in tables. LR2 course files (.lr2crs files) cannot be used in beatoraja.

The following courses are available by default (just click Load difficulty table in the config). Do note that you still need the songs downloaded before you can play the courses.

  • The GENOSIDE 2018 Normal dans (初段 - 十段) can be found in the Normal2 table.
  • The GENOSIDE 2018 Insane dans (発狂初段 - overjoy) can be found in the Insane2 table.
  • The LN dans can be found in the LN table.

You can play other courses by adding their respective course table links.

  • Satellite Skill Analyzer and Stella Skill Simulator have beatoraja course table links on the Satellite/Stella website. (click "for beatoraja users")

All of these dan courses include a contraint that forces beatoraja to use the LR2 dan gauge, to ensure consistency in difficulty with the same dan courses in LR2.

Recommended Difficulty Tables

BMS levels can be roughly divided into three difficulty ranges, Normal, Insane and Overjoy. Refer to the Difficulty Rating System section for examples of charts in these difficulty ranges.

Some tables favor more standard charts and some tables favor a larger variety of charts. I recommend adding both types of tables for your difficulty range. "Standard tables" for playing more straightforward density patterns, and "variety tables" which contain far more charts to play, to expose yourself to a wider range of patterns.

Normal Range

Covers levels in the range ☆1-☆12.

At this range, difficulty tables may not be necessary. Simply playing by the chart's rated level from some well-established packs (e.g. GENOSIDE 2018) may often suffice. However, there is no harm in adding tables to add level ratings to the charts you have.

Standard tables:

Variety tables:

  • Turbow's BMS Library (Highly recommended for use with recent events like BOFXVI, as it rates almost all charts in the event)

Insane Range

Covers levels in the range ☆11-★19.

Standard tables:

  • The Satellite table is recommended, as it is the most actively updated table, containing the latest songs. However, this table is also notorious for having a low tolerance for variety in charting styles. The Satellite table is mainly good for practice on density charts.
  • Alternative tables: Insane1 (generally year ≤2013), Insane2

Variety tables:

  • Hex's BMS Database is highly recommended, as it rates a HUGE amount of charts. This is a good table to have if you are downloading random event packs or random sabuns and playing them, as there is a high chance that those charts are listed (and rated) in the table.
  • Turbow's BMS Library is similar. It is not as large as Hex's BMS Database, but is more complete for recent events, and may contain some charts not listed in Hex's BMS Database.

Overjoy Range

Covers levels in the range ★20 and up.

Standard tables:

  • Stella table (Most actively updated table with the latest songs. Mainly good for practice on density charts. Not that great for variety.)
  • Alternative tables: Insane1 & Overjoy (year ≤2013), Insane2

Variety tables:

  • See Variety tables for the insane range. The same tables are highly recommended for people playing in this difficulty range.

Popular Difficulty Tables

This section contains a brief list of some of the more commonly-used tables. For a more extensive list of tables, please refer to:

The Normal2, Insane2 and LN tables are included in beatoraja by default.

  • Some tables (Satellite, Stella, Normal1, Insane1) favor Quality over Quantity. They are more useful if you want to restrict yourself to specially selected, "better" charts (or like aiming for folder lamps).
  • Other tables (Normal2, Insane2, Hex's tables) favor Quantity over Quality. They have a more relaxed or nonexistent quality filter but have many more charts. They are useful for exploring a large quantity of different charts, with more interesting charting styles.

Note: To add these tables to beatoraja (or BeMusicSeeker), use the table links given below.

Old Normal / Insane Tables

These tables generally contains songs up to around 2013. There were a few songs from 2014-2016 that were added more recently, but they are few.

  • Levels rated from ☆1-☆12. Covers the "IIDX" level range.
  • ☆12 corresponds to the easiest 12s in IIDX. Anything harder than the easiest 12s is in the insane scale.
  • Called "通常難易度表" in game.
  • Levels rated from ★1-★25. These 25 levels subdivide the level "12" in the IIDX level range.
  • Called "発狂BMS難易度表" in game.
  • Levels rated from ★★1-★★7. ★★1 corresponds to ★21 and ★★5 corresponds to ★25.

New Normal / Insane Tables

Generally has songs up to 2018 / early 2019. Recently started updating again with new songs (as of 2022).

  • Similar to the Normal table, but contains more recent songs, and is more frequently updated. Songs rated from ▽1-▽12.
  • Called "第2通常難易度" in game. Look for "第2" if you can't read Japanese. The Normal 2 table is the one with the unfilled triangles ▽ in the difficulty levels.
  • Similar to the Insane table, but contains more recent songs, and is more frequently updated. Songs rated from ▼0-▼25.
  • Called "第2発狂難易度" in game. Look for "第2" if you can't read Japanese. The Insane 2 table is the one with the filled triangles ▼ in the difficulty levels.

Alternative link (with more songs but without the dan courses) Normal2 Insane2

Satellite and Stella Tables (RECOMMENDED)

Modern difficulty tables containing insane/overjoy scale charts of songs from the most recent events. New songs are added every two weeks by a system of community voting. More information can be found here: Satellite/Stella website

  • Charts are rated on a scale of sl0-sl12. Covers levels in the insane range, specifically ☆11-★19.
  • Charts are rated on a scale of st0-st11. Covers the level range ★19 and up, as well as the overjoy difficulty range.

Stardust and Starlight Tables (RECOMMENDED)

Modern difficulty table containing normal scale songs from the most recent events. Managed by the Chinese community and is inspired by the Satellite and Stella tables, but covers the normal scale (easier charts) which is not covered by Satellite/Stella.

Chart comparing the Stardust(ξ)/Starlight(sr) scales to the Normal(☆) scale

  • Charts are rated on a scale of ξ1-ξ13. Covers levels in the lower half of the normal range, specifically ☆1-☆7.
  • Charts are rated on a scale of sr0-sr13. Covers levels in the upper half of the normal range, specifically ☆7-☆12.


  • A table that rates basically all charts from recent BMS events. A very good table to have when playing through recent events.
  • Includes both normal scale (☆11 and below) and insane scale (★1 and up) charts.
  • More gimmicky or "spicy" charts are assigned ratings like "☆?" instead of standard rating numbers. Charts may also be explicitly marked as scratch, jack or LN charts in the table.
  • Uses a different level system from the standard normal/insane scales.
Turbow Level System (CLICK TO VIEW):
  • "T☆B": ☆1-3
  • "T☆1": ☆4-6
  • "T☆2": ☆6-7
  • "T☆3": ☆7-8
  • "T☆4": ☆8-9
  • "T☆5": ☆10
  • "T☆6": ☆11
  • "T★1 - T★12": refers to sl1-sl12
  • "T★★0 - T★★11": refers to st0-st11


  • Covers levels in the normal range, specifically ☆1-☆11
  • This level range is split into 19 denominations (田一 to 田十九)
  • 田一 is approximately ☆1 and 田十九 is approximately ☆11+.
Help I can't read Japanese numbers
十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Hex's Insane Chart Collections (RECOMMENDED)

  • A massive table that catalogues basically every BMS chart and assigns them level ratings (both default charts and sabuns).
  • Only contains charts of difficulty ☆11 and above (I wish there was a similar table for normal scale charts).
  • Very useful table if you have a lot of event packs. The table assigns level ratings to the charts in your event packs, giving you a lot of charts to play.
  • A table that catalogues and rates all charts that have been uploaded to the BMS Sabun Uploader
  • Very useful table for playing a much larger quantity/variety of charts, without a quality filter.
  • Similar to the BMS Sabun Uploader table, but for the Stella Uploader instead.
  • Not to be confused with the Stella table. The Stella Uploader is not restricted to Stella-level charts. Stella charts are not necessarily on the Stella Uploader either. They are completely separate entities despite having similar names.

Scratch Tables

Scratch charts are charts where the bulk of the difficulty comes from scratch (as opposed to dense notes).

  • New scratch table set up by EGRET. containing many recent and high quality scratch charts/songs.
  • Includes dan courses (Scramble Skill Simulator) for scratch.
  • For scratch charts.

LN (Long Note) Tables

LN charts focus primarily on complex long note patterns rather than simply being dense in regular notes.

  • For LN charts. Not frequently updated.
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