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Tools for Notary Nodes

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 and 21.04

This set of scripts is interdependent. Any piecemeal usage or mixing with other scripts may result in unexpected behavior! Please review and understand what the scripts are doing and the data they expect before attempting to use separately from the rest in the repo.

e.g. the start and assetchains scripts set the pid parameter on the daemons when starting up which is expected to be set when using the resetwallet script.

Dependencies (installed during ./init)

sudo apt-get install jq bc dc


  • Install Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 or 21.04
cd $HOME
git clone
cd freshubuntu && sudo ./freshubuntu
  • Input full ssh key when prompted, login with a separate terminal using SSH key (should not require password)
cd $HOME
git clone
cd nntools
cp config.example config
nano config
  • setup your config
  • Once init starts you can tail -f $HOME/nntools.log to more easily keep track of progress
  • wait til syncs are complete (multiple hours to sync all. you can verify complete with ./stats and see no errors)
 komodo-cli importprivkey <privkey>
 ./assets-cli importprivkey <privkey>
 ./asset-cli ltc importprivkey

(note the space in front to exclude the privkey commands from your ~/.bash_history)

cd $HOME/nntools

  • Create cron jobs crontab -e
*/10 * * * * /home/ww/nntools/cronsplit
1 * * * * /home/ww/nntools/cronsplit long
11 * * * * /home/ww/nntools/collectinterest


Script Name Function
asset-cli Send in a single coin name (1P or 3P) to run RPC commands against
assets-cli Run RPC command against all KMD smartchain coins
build You can run ./build <coinname> to build/rebuild any already cloned coin repo required for NN
buildnotary Builds the notary dPoW program
checkaddresses Validate your NN address is imported correctly against all coins
checkfork Script to quickly check all assetchains for possible forks
checkmasks Check your nodes connectivity to the notary node network
cleanwallettransactions Runs cleanwallettransactions against all KMD based coins (cronjob)
collectall Loop and collect every UTXO until all are completely consolidated
collectinterest My method of consolidating mine funds (cronjob)
cronsplit Script to schedule auto splitting of utxos to be used in conjunction with splitfunds (cronjob)
init Clones required repos, sets up sensible default configs and builds them (skips if repo is already cloned)
kill Look up the process id of a komodod via the .pid file and KILL (pkill -9)
kmdacfirewall UFW settings with commentary
minerfixer Tweak to not mine (waste CPU) when node is not eligible for easy-mining (automatically added to komodo.conf if using init)
niceiguana Run this to display iguana pids and suggested nice command
recoverutxos Uses kmd insight explorer api to lookup utxos and send them if they don't exist locally
scanresetwallets Checks all wallet sizes against the variables in config "size to monitor for in bytes" and runs the appropriate wallet reset script for the coin that is over the limit
setconfigpermissions Finds all .conf files in .komodo data dir and subdirectories and sets higher security permissions on them (init does this by default)
start Start all coins daemons or you can run ./start <coinname>
startnotary Starts dPoW
stats Fancy cli stats for notary nodes
stop Stop all coin daemon
stopnotary Stops dPoW
transferall Transfer kmd and all assetchains to address you specify
zsend Script to simplify sending a specified amount to/from z addressess

Utility Files

File Name Function
assetchains Start one or all assetchains (used by start)
c/boost.cpp Simple c++ program to verify if boost is installed and return its version
coinlist Handy way to KMD smartchains in one place for other scripts to use, see also paths
config.example Copy this to a new file called config and modify as appropriate
dpow Start dpow script (used by startnotary)
functions Store functions for use in other files
functions-wallet Store functions for use in other files
main Most if not all scripts include this file to set common variables etc (don't need to run directly)
paths Stores paths to different coin files
resetwallet* Various reset wallet methods (used by scanresetwallets)
splitfunds Split utxo types required for notarizations (used by cronsplit)
7776 Stores 7776 files so they're out of the way

See Also