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This is a simple application designed to provide users with information about various cat breeds.

Getting Started

To begin using Cat App, follow these steps:

  • Obtain Your API Key: Visit The Cat API to obtain your API key. Refer to the documentation for more details about the API key.
  • Update API Key: After obtaining your API key, replace the placeholder string in CatSelectionFragment.kt and CatInformationFragment.kt with your actual API key:
private val apiKey = "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_API_KEY"


  • Select different cat breeds.
  • View information about each cat breed, including name, alternate name, temperament, and origin.
  • Display an image of the selected cat breed.
  • Use a Web Service as the source of data and make API calls.

User Interface

The following screenshots show the user interface, displaying different screens and interactions:

Cat Breed Selection

No Cat Selected Cat Selection
Screenshot Screenshot

Cat Breed Information

Bombay York Chocolate
Screenshot Screenshot

Technical Details

Here are the key components of the application:

  • API Usage:
    • Integration of Volley for making API requests.
    • Parsing JSON responses from The Cat API to extract relevant information.
  • User Interface Elements:
    • Implementation of a Spinner to allow users to select cat breeds.
    • Configuration of an ImageView and TextViews to display breed information.
    • Utilization of a ScrollView when viewing cat breed details.

Development Environment

  • IDE: Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Patch 2
  • Language: Kotlin


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