this is a minimal WebExtension for browsing LinkedIn and Facebook without authorizing as a logged in user.
these sites introduced some protection (probably around 2016Q3) which prevented browsing unauthorized users without a registered account. at LinkedIn it is a login/register popup which completely disabled viewing profiles, at Facebook it was a popup which just covered the page partly.
technically, this simple extension does nothing special, just parses the page to be displayed on the client side by the appropriate javascript and patches/removes these annoying HTML elements, so this way making the whole page browsable.
the extension should work on browsers which support the WebExtension standard (e.g. Chrome and Firefox). the javascripts work against LinkedIn and Facebook on the release date (20/16/2016).
this is just a quick hack for people (like me) who do not want to share personal information to these giant spying bots, but interested in browsing information about people who do not care about privacy for some reason.
in short: there is no update planned for future versions of LinkedIn / Facebook.