The official seminar language will be German until otherwise stated. The seminar papers (see the seminar concept) are to be written in English.
Russell L. Ackoff (1971). Towards a system of systems concept. Management Science 17 (11), 661-671.
Klaus-Michael Ahrend (2019). Geschäftsmodell Nachhaltigkeit: Ökologische und soziale Innovationen als unternehmerische Chance. In W. Leal Filho (Hrsg.), Aktuelle Ansätze zur Umsetzung der UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele, S. 43-62.
APICS Supply Chain Operations Reference Model SCOR (2017).
The APQC’s Process Classification Framework (PCF).
APCQ (2018). Cross Industry Process Classification Framework v.7.2.1
APCQ (2021). Best Practices in Applying Process Frameworks.
N.M.P. Bocken, S.W. Short, P. Rana, S. Evans (2014). A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 65, pp. 42-56.
J. Elkington (1997). Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business. Capstone, Oxford.
M. Fellmann, A. Koschmider, R. Laue, A. Schoknecht, A. Vetter (2018). Business Process Model Patterns: State-of-the art, Research Classification and Taxonomy. Business Process Management Journal.
David Ford, Stefanos Mouzas (2013). Service and value in the interactive business landscape. Industrial Marketing Management 42, 9–17.
Oliver Gassmann, Karolin Frankenberger, Michaela Csik (2020). The St. Gallen Business Model Navigator. Working Paper.
Charles Goodwin (2018). Co-operative Action. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-108-71477-8.
Available as e-book at UB Leipzig.
Hans-Gert Gräbe (2020a). TRIZ and Systemic Transitions.
Hans-Gert Gräbe (2020b). Men and their technical systems. Proceedings of the TRIZ Future Conference 2020, p. 399-410.
- Enlarged German version:
Hans-Gert Gräbe, Ken Pierre Kleemann (2020c). Seminar Systemtheorie (in German). Universität Leipzig. Wintersemester 2019/20. Rohrbacher Manuskripte, Heft 22. Book on Demand 2020. ISBN 9783752620023.
Innovation management - Fundamentals and terminology (ISO 56000:2020).
Available in the HTWK Library.
A. Koschmider, R. Laue, M. Fellmann (2019). Business Process Model Anti-Patterns: A Bibliography and Taxonomy of Published Work. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden.
Maximilian Krug (2019). Review: Charles Goodwin (2018). Co-Operative Action (in German). Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 20(1), 1-7.
Carin Lindskog (2018). Exploitation and Exploration in Business Process Management – An exploratory paper. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 405-414.
Florian Lüdeke-Freund, Sarah Carroux, Alexandre Joyce, Lorenzo Massa, Henning Breuer (2018). The sustainable business model pattern taxonomy — 45 patterns to support sustainability-oriented business model innovation. Sustainable Production and Consumption, Volume 15, pp. 145-162.
Gerrit Remane, André Hanelt, Jan F. Tesch, Lutz M. Kolbe (2017). The business model pattern database — a tool for systematic business model innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management Vol. 21.
Michael Rosemann (2020). Explorative process design patterns. In: Fahland, Ghidini, Becker, Dumas (Eds.). Business Process Management: 18th International Conference, BPM 2020 Proceedings. pp. 349-367.
Georgi P. Shchedrovitsky (1981). Principles and General Scheme of the Methodological Organization of System-Structural Research and Development.
Georgi P. Shchedrovitsky (2014). Selected Works. A Guide to the Methodology of Organisation, Leadership and Management. In: Khristenko, Reus, Zinchenko et al. Methodological School of Management. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4729-1029-5.
Available as e-book at UB Leipzig
C.U. Smith, L.G. Williams, L.G. (2000). Software Performance Antipatterns. In Proceedings oft he 2nd Internaional Workshop on Software and Performance. ACM, New York, USA, pp. 127-136.
Ian Sommerville (2015). Software Engineering. Chapter 19 „Systems Engineering“.
- Slide stack available at Sildeshare
Valeri Souchkov (2010). TRIZ and Systematic Business Model Innovation. In: Proceedings TRIZ Future Conference 2010, Bergamo, Italy. Available at ResearchGate.
Valeri Souchkov (2014). Breakthrough Thinking with TRIZ for Business and Management: An Overview.
Valeri Souchkov (2017). Accelerate Innovation with TRIZ.
Valeri Souchkov (2019). TRIZ for Business and Management: State of the Art. TRIZ Developers Summit 2019.
Yariv Taran, Christian Nielsen, Marco Montemari, Peter Thomsen, Francesco Paolone (2016). Business model configurations: a five-V framework to map out potential innovation routes. European Journal of Innovation Management Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 492-527.
R. Winter, J. vom Brocke, P. Fettke, P. Loos, S. Junginger, C. Moser, W. Keller, F. Matthers, A. Ernst (2009). Patterns in Business and Information Systems Engineering. Business & Information Systems Engineering 1, 486.
Stephen Wunker, Jessica Wattman, David Farber (2016). Jobs to Be Done: A Roadmap for Customer-Centered Innovation. Amacom Verlag. ISBN 978-0-8144-3803-9.
M. Yang, S. Evans, D. Vladimirova, P. Rana (2017). Value uncaptured perspective for sustainable business model innovation. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 140, Part 3, pp. 1794-1804.
Eric Yu, Paolo Giorgini, Neil Maiden, John Mylopoulos (2010). Social Modeling for Requirements Engineering. MIT Press. ISBN 978-0262240550.
Available as e-book at UB Leipzig
Processes and Process Evaluation in the APQC Process Classification Framework (PCF)
Goal: APQC - the American Productivity and Quality Center - is an important cross industry center conceptualising business and management processes. The process abstraction concepts within the PCF and the aggregation concepts for business processes both in the structural and the processual dimensions (in particular process evaluation) are to be explained.
Literature: APQC’s Process Classification Framework (PCF), additional recherche required.
Systems, Business Processes and Management in Business TRIZ
Goal: TRIZ is a contradiction oriented systemic innovation framework. Business TRIZ applies the general TRIZ approaches to resolve contraditions to business systems and business process landscapes. The main approaches and tools are to be explained.
Literature: (Souchkov 2010), (Souchkov 2014)
Conceptual Systems and Coordination Processes in Agent-based Business Systems
Goal: While classical business and management theories focus on managers with sufficient authority, in our seminar we are mainly interested in business processes in multi-stakeholder environments, where such interventional power is usually not available. This is typical for prosumer approaches, where value production is distributed between provider and customer. The agent-based approach addresses such a distributed decision-making and responsibility environment. The special features of the concepts compared to classical business process approaches are to be worked out.
Literature: Recherche required
Coordination Processes in SCOR - the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model
Goal: A typical context of distributed business processes is met in supply chains. SCOR extends the classical business process concepts with terms that can be used to verbalise, process and evaluate various specific problems in such supply chains. These concepts are to be introduced and classified.
Literature: (APICS SCOR 2017), additional recherche required
Business Process Landscaping
Goal: Business Processes Landscapes address the dynamisation of classically static Supply Chains in modern agile distributed production systems. The contradiction between profitability and reliability that has to be solved in this context represents a significant conceptual and procedural challenge. It can only be solved to a limited extent with Service Level Agreements. Experiences and conceptual consolidations in this area are to be presented based on the background of the business process concepts discussed earlier in the seminar.
Literature: Recherche required
Schematisation in the Work of G.P. Shchedrovitsky
Goal: All concepts discussed so far address Business Process Modelling as a kind of inter-business verbalisation and abstraction of real business experiences. Business organisations as OMG or APQC are socio-political bodies to incorporate such real experiences into the further development of the concepts. However, in the last semester we noticed that there is a large excess of theory building that is never relevant in practice. There is a lack of a "theory of theory building", as proposed and practically tested in action games by the Russian philosopher G.P. Shchedrovitsky. Under his advice structural assumptions about levels of verbalisation of corresponding experiences were developed and examined for their viability in the Methodological School of Management. These connections are to be presented in more detail.
Literature: (Khristenko et al. 2014, Part 1), (Shchedrovitsky 1981)
Process Improvement Patterns. Exploitative and Explorative Business Process Improvements
Goal: The aim of all analytical efforts to verbalise business processes is to improve them through targeted systemic transformations. Systemic means the (external and internal) demarcation of an area in the sense of our system concept, which is subject to a targeted transformation. Targeted means that an "ideal end result" in the sense of TRIZ is to be achieved. Targeted transformation means that this goal is prepared and evaluated by modelling the system as well as a transition path that is subsequently rolled out. Not only Business TRIZ assumes that such transformations follow certain Process Improvement Patterns. Corresponding theoretical approaches are to be presented and compared.
Literature: (Rosemann 2020)
Business Innovation in ISO 56000:2020.
Goal: ISO 56000 "Innovation management – Fundamentals and vocabulary" is a newly (in 2020) adopted international standard in which terms and concepts for innovation management are standardised at a sufficiently general level of abstraction. The basic concepts and terms are to be presented and compared with the terminology developed so far in the seminar.
Literature: ISO 56000
Sustainable Business Model Patterns and Anti-Patterns
Goal: The integration of sustainable goals into business models is of high importance to meet the key challenges of today's society, such as climate change, social justice and resource scarcity. To this end, companies are increasingly resorting to reflect their business model in terms of economic, ecological and social responsibility. Business model patterns can support this by identifying proven and applicable solutions and by helping to identify potential for improvement. In addition, anti-patterns, which represent solutions that are known to have shortcomings, can be used to design business models. An overview of existing sustainable business model patterns and anti-patterns has to be developed based on a systematic literature review.
Literature: (Lüdeke-Freund et al. 2018)
Service Oriented Business Process Management
Classical Business Process approaches are focused on process management in production structures where classical products are produced that can be sold as tangible goods on the market. In the last 50 years, however, production structures for services have gained enormous importance. The associated structural change in society, which has taken place and is taking place in different ways in all western industrialised countries, is also referred to as the transition to a service society. The lecture will examine and present which differences and new aspects arise in the field of BP modelling and management of such service-oriented structures.
Literature: (Ford, Mouzas 2013)
More themes:
- Process and Enterprise Maturity Model - Michael Hammer
- Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM) by Bill Curtis and John Alden
- Business Process Modelling und TRIZ
- Case Management Model and Notation (CMMN)
- Decision Model and Notation (DMN)
- TRIZ Business Navigator
- Gassmann on Business Models
- Oliver Gassmann, Karolin Frankenberger, Michaela Csik (2013). The St. Gallen Business Model Navigator
- Osterwalder on Business Models
- A. Osterwalder (2011) Business model generation
- How to hold strategic sessions via TRIZ tools (A. Kozhemyako)
- Inventive Supply Chain Engineering (Alex Sidorec at BTO Fall 2021)
12.10. Kick-off Meeting
- Introduction to the seminar topic. Discussion of the seminar plan. (Gräbe)
19.10. On the Notion of a System. (Gräbe)
26.10. Systems, Organisations, Management. (Gräbe)
02.11. PCF - the APQC Process Classification Framework (P. Teitlin)
09.11. Business TRIZ (Michelle Bindel)
16.11. Agent Based Business Systems (Stefan Härtel)
23.11. SCOR - the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (Gräbe)
30.11. Business Process Landscaping (Toni Pfeiffer)
07.12. Schematisation in the Work of G.P. Shchedrovitsky (Marvin Müller)
14.12. Process Improvement Patterns. Exploitative and Explorative Business Process Improvements (Gräbe)
11.01. Sustainable Business Model Patterns and Anti-Patterns (Kristin Kutzner)
18.01. The St. Gallen Business Model Navigator (Ralf Laue)
25.01. Service Oriented Business Process Management (Gräbex)
01.02. Business Innovation in ISO 56000:2020 (Gräbe)
01.02. Evaluation and lessons learned
Optional 04.02. Interdisciplinary Block Seminar
Continuous Improvement, Engineering Systems and Systems Engineering