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Q: What's about privacy?
A: The publically visible information that you publish at an open platform as, e.g., Facebook can be followed and "stalked" in many ways since it is attached to your name (or even nick name – using modern exploration technologies this makes almost no difference). You cannot avoid that. Different to (e.g.) Facebook and other commercial platform, that process this information in a hidden and intransparent way to offers you a "ranking" of search results, we collect this information in a publicly visible way. We manage Person URIs to identify different identities and to report about your scientific efforts within the TRIZ community as the goal of our TRIZ Social Network.
You can retrieve all information stored about you in our database using standard RDF technology. We collect only rudimentary information about you as recommended in the FOAF ontology – name, affiliation, homepage(s). We do not collect emails due to spam avoiding reasons.
If you plan to expose more information about your scientific activities we strongly advice to create and maintain an ORCID account. This URI within another system can be referenced in our People database using the rdfs:seeAlso predicate. We recommend ORCID as a community project of a great number of scientific organizations.