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65 lines (49 loc) · 3.05 KB

File metadata and controls

65 lines (49 loc) · 3.05 KB


If you discover issues, have ideas for improvements or new features, or want to contribute a new module, please report them to the issue tracker of the repository or submit a pull request. Please, try to follow these guidelines when you do so.

Issue reporting

  • Check that the issue has not already been reported.
  • Check that the issue has not already been fixed in the latest code (a.k.a. master).
  • Be clear, concise and precise in your description of the problem.
  • Open an issue with a descriptive title and a summary in grammatically correct, complete sentences.
  • Include any relevant code to the issue summary.

Pull requests

  • Use a topic branch to easily amend a pull request later, if necessary.
  • Write good commit messages.
  • Use the same coding conventions as the rest of the project.
  • Ensure your edited codes with four spaces instead of TAB.
  • Please commit code to dev branch and we will merge into master branch in feature
  • Before adding new features and new modules, please go to issues to submit the relevant feature description first


如果你发现一些问题,或者想新增或者改进某些新特性,或者想贡献一个新的模块 那么你可以在issues上提交反馈,或者发起一个提交代码的请求(pull request).


  • 确认这个问题没有被反馈过
  • 确认这个问题最近还没有被修复,请先检查下 master 的最新提交
  • 请清晰详细地描述你的问题
  • 如果发现某些代码存在问题,请在issue上引用相关代码


  • 请先更新你的本地分支到最新,再进行提交代码请求,确保没有合并冲突
  • 编写友好可读的提交信息
  • 请使用与工程代码相同的代码规范
  • 请提交代码到dev分支,如果通过,我们会在特定时间合并到master分支上
  • 为了规范化提交日志的格式,commit消息,不要用中文,请用英文描述
  • 增加新特性和新模块之前,请先到issues提交相关特性说明,经过讨论评估确认后,再进行相应的代码提交,避免做无用工作



  • 空格缩进、填充,4字符宽度,不允许出现任意tab字符
  • 换行符'\n',不要用'\r\n'
  • 文件utf8编码,不允许其他编码格式,例如:gbk
  • 全英文注释,public接口注释采用doxygen风格
  • 类unix命名规范:小写 + 下划线,例如:aaa_bb_cc,不允许任何大写字符
  • if, while, for等关键字之后,带一个空格,例如:if (), for (; ;)
  • 如果if, for的body只有一行代码,不需要写大括号
  • {}块,换行对称
  • 局部变量定义不需要遵循c89风格,定义位置尽量靠近实际使用的地方
  • 函数取参,返回值处理,需要有assert检测
  • 宏定义大写,其他都小写
  • 接口定义、接口实现、宏定义、全局变量、include等布局风格必须一致,风格可参考实际代码