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xMatters Labs Statuspage Steps

A collection of seven custom steps for use with xMatters Flow Designer. The steps are designed to make integrating with Atlassian Statuspage Incidents even easier. Although two of the steps (Statuspage Create/Update Incident with Components) cover the same ground as built-in xMatters Flow Designer steps, the steps in this workflow allow you to work with components and component-groups. There are also brand new steps to resolve, delete, get, list and search for Statuspage Incidents.

The steps are packaged with a simple test interface, Statuspage Trigger Form, which lets you select and try out each step with different input values directly from the xMatters UI. You can view the output either via Flow Designer's activity log or in an alert notification.


Statuspage Authentication Info

  • To integrate with Statuspage, you will need to know your Page Id and API Key. Once logged into your Statuspage mangement console, head to the top right circular logo, click it, then choose API Info. On this page you will find your Page ID and can generate your Organization API Key.


  • - xMatters workflow containing 3 forms, 1 flow canvas and 8 custom flow steps. Even though we said 7, you get a free bonus step, Statuspage Make Shortname, used to format the flow.

How it Works

The Statuspage API is used to work with realtime Incidents in Statuspage. (Not historical or scheduled Incidents.) Here's an example of an Incident created via xMatters using the Statuspage Trigger Form interface in conjunction with the Create Incident with Components flow step.

You can see the flow step, highlighted green in the Activity Log after being executed...

And the resulting Incident in Statuspage...

(I've used examples from TV's Doctor Who to illustrate.) Scrolling down the page to Components, we see The Doctor is an affected component, with a component status of Partial Outage.

When an Incident is created in Statuspage, it generates a Unique Id, also known as the Statuspage Incident Id. Don't confuse this with the visible Incident ID in an xMatters Incident. This Incident Id is assigned by Statuspage on creation, is not visible on the page, but it is required for subsequent update steps. An example is hg6x1bkyykvh. When it's used as a step input, I've referred to it as the Statuspage Unique Id to avoid confusion with the xMatters Incident Id.

You can grab the Statuspage Incident ID output from the flow Activity Log, whilst inspecting step outputs.

If you're using the Statuspage Trigger Form to test the steps in the xMatters UI, you can also get it from the alert email sent post-creation, or by referring to the Alerts Report.

Back to the flow. With the other flow steps you can send updates, then resolve the Incident, so eventually your realtime Incident moves down to the Past Incidents section of your Statuspage. Which is exactly where you want it to be.

Custom Flow Steps

All flow steps have common outputs to allow for easy error-trapping within the flow. For example, the Statusapge Create Incident With Components step has a created_boolean output, which is set to "true" when the Incident is created, and "false" otherwise. The Update Incident step has an updated_boolean output, etc. This allows you to place a Switch step following the Create step and take action should the Create/Update fail. The inverse of this is the error output, which can also be used in the flow. It's just a matter of style and preference. You can use one, both, or neither. This contrasts with the built-in Statuspage Create/Update steps which throw an error on failure, which then stops the flow in its tracks.

The custom flow steps are...

  • Statuspage Create Incident with Components

Create a new incident in Statuspage. Unlike the built-in Statuspage Create Incident step, this step allows you to optionally set affected components. You can choose either individual components or component-groups. For the latter, every component in the group is affected. N.B. The component status input applies to all components. Any unrecognised component names are silently ignored. Other inputs include Name, Status, Body (can be thought of as either first update or incident details) and Impact Override. Step outputs include the Incident ID as assigned by Statuspage on creation. You should retain this ID to use in subsequent steps.

The optional Metadata input should be in the format of a nested JSON object, like so. The top level is considered by the Statuspage API as a namespace. If you pass in something unlikely to pass validation, the step silently skips passing it to the API, although it will be called out in the step logs. We figure it is better to post something than nothing.

      "doctor":"jodie w"
  • Statuspage Update Incident with Components

Update an incident in Statuspage, optionally with updates to affected components. To use this step, you must supply the Statuspage Unique Id, also referred to as the Statuspage Incident ID. Otherwise, step inputs and outputs are the same as the Create step. We recommened you use the Body field for a text update. N.B. If updating components or component-groups, only the named components in the step input are affected. Any prior components from earlier updates retain their original status.

  • Statuspage Resolve Incident with Components

Resolve an Incident in Statuspage, automatically setting any impacted components to operational. However, you can choose another component status, e.g. degraded_performance, if preferred. To use this step, you must supply the Statuspage Unique Id, aka Statuspage Incident ID. We recommened you use the Body field for a text update, e.g. "All sorted now".

  • Statuspage Delete Incident

Deletes a Statuspage Incident using the Statuspage Unique Id. Delete as in remove it entirely, gone-forever, not coming back.

The next three Get steps have a mauve icon, to distinguish from the green setter steps.

  • Statuspage Get Incident From Keywords

Search for a Statuspage Incident using keywords. The keywords are Or'd together, so more than one Incident may be found. If more than one Incident is found, details from only the first Incident in the API call are presented as outputs. However the other Statuspage Incident Ids are also supplied in the Other Ids output, should you want to dig further.

  • Statuspage Get Incident From Id

Get details for a Statuspage Incident using the Statuspage Incident Id. By definition, this will only return a single Incident. It returns a greater selection of output properties than the other steps.

  • Statuspage Get Incident List

Returns a list of Statuspage Incidents. Filter options available include all, unresolved, upcoming. Filters are passed on to the Statuspage API for processing. Max results returned by the API in one page is 100 Incidents. You can optionally set a page_offset and a per_page count for fewer incidents. Sorting is supported, e.g. by updated_at or created_at, but sorting is applied after the API has returned information. That means if you have more than 100 Incidents on your Statuspage, you may be sorting a partial result set.


  1. Download the zip file from this repo. Click the name, then the ... icon from the top right, then select Download. Do not inflate the zip. It should be 44 KB in size. For some reason, if you choose Save Link As, the file successfully downloads and retains the .zip extension but inflates to 377 KB. It won't import into xMatters though. Alternatively, you can download the file via the list of media at the top of this page.

  2. Log into xMatters as a user with either the Developer or Full Access User role. Navigate to Workflows, click the Import button on the top right and import the file. After a successful import, this is what you will see:

  1. OPTIONAL. Navigate into the new workflow, either via the Open Workflow button after importing or from the workflow list. You will see a list of three forms under the FORMS tab. You need to set Sender Permissions on the forms. If you don't set Sender Permissions, only the user who imported the workflow can use/edit them. This may be too narrow. The Statuspage Trigger Form is the form-based test interface, you may want to let other users try it. Click the left-most of the two buttons to the right of the form (it says Web UI) and then Sender Permissions at the bottom of the pop-up. Add the users or roles who can use the Trigger form. We recommend allowing all those with Full Access User or Developer roles to use the form. If you prefer, you can name specifc users. Do the same for the other two forms, Statuspage Response Good and Statuspage Response Bad. The same users/roles should be selected.

  1. OPTIONAL. By default, only the importing user has permission to use and modify the custom steps within the workflow. We recommend broadening permissions to allow all users with the Developer role to be able to use and/or edit the new flow steps. To do this, shift to the FLOW DESIGNER tab to the right of FORMS. Open the Statuspage Trigger Form flow canvas. You can see the flow for trying out each new step.

  2. To the right of the screen on the Palette, highlight the CUSTOM tab. Type "statuspage" in the search bar to show just the steps in this workflow.

    Navigate to each new flow step in turn. Click the gear icon then Usage Permissions. In the pop-up window, grant access to other users/roles as required, e.g. select the Developer role and grant permission to Use or Edit the step.

  3. You must set up authentication constants. Navigate to the FLOW DESIGNER tab of the workflow. At the top right of the screen, choose Components > Constants.

You need to set the correct API Key and Page ID constants to work with your Statuspage. Placeholder constants are there to be over-typed. See Statuspage Authentication section above for help on where to obtain these properties.

N.B. There is no need to set a new Endpoint. The standard Statuspage endpoint of is already set as a no-auth endpoint, and will work as long as the constants are correct. Authentication is handled via the constants.


You can try out each new custom with the Statuspge Trigger Form. On the left hand nav bar, navigate to Messaging > xMatters Labs Statuspage Steps > Statuspage Trigger Form.

Open the form and select a step in the Action dropdown. Each Action corresponds to a new custom step. Fill in the appropriate values in the lower sections, e.g. Incident Name and Body.

At the bottom of the form, you will see the Recipients section. You can optionally set yourself as a Recipient or proceed without one. When you click Send Message, an initial alert email will be generated confirming the flow has been launched. A short while later, a second alert email will arrive with the step’s output values clearly shown. If you leave Recipient blank, you can view step output in the Statuspage Trigger Form flow canvas activity log or even the Alerts report.

After sending the form, we recommend you click the Duplicate button (top right of the Alert Report page) to quickly commence your next test.


Navigate to xMatters Labs Statuspage Steps > Flow Designer tab > Statuspage Trigger Form canvas. You can see the canvas used to select each step based on an initial Switch block. Each custom step outputs log notes. If a step fails, you can click the Activity button (top right) to view the Activity Log. You can inspect step inputs, outputs and logs. You can also edit the code behind each custom step, if so inclined.


As per all xMatters Labs projects, the flow steps here are provided on an as-is basis. Although every effort has been made to ensure they work as expected, we cannot guarantee they run in all situations going forward. The steps are not officially supported by Everbridge Support nor maintained by the xMatters product team.