Database Abstraction Layer (dbal) for go (now only support mysql)
I wanted a DBAL that No ORM、No Reflect、Concurrency Save, support SQL builder following good practices and well tested code.
Go 1.7 or above.
go get
- mysql
Godbal helps you build SQL queries from composable parts easily:
database, _ := godbal.NewMysql("root:123@tcp(").Open()
queryBuilder := mysql.NewQueryBuilder(database)
sql := queryBuilder.Select("uid,username,price,flag").From("userinfo", "").SetFirstResult(0).
SetMaxResults(3).OrderBy("uid", "DESC").GetSQL()
SELECT uid,username,price,flag FROM userinfo ORDER BY uid DESC LIMIT 0,3
Godbal helps you get result easily:
rows, _ := queryBuilder.QueryAndGetMap()
jsonString, _ := json.Marshal(&rows)
Output like:
package main
import (
_ ""
func main() {
database, err := godbal.NewMysql("root:123@tcp(").Open()
if err != nil {
err = database.Ping()
if err != nil {
queryBuilder := mysql.NewQueryBuilder(database)
sql := queryBuilder.Select("uid,username,price,flag").From("userinfo", "").SetFirstResult(0).
SetMaxResults(3).OrderBy("uid", "DESC").GetSQL()
fmt.Println(sql) // SELECT uid,username,price,flag FROM userinfo ORDER BY uid DESC LIMIT 0,3
rows, _ := queryBuilder.QueryAndGetMap()
jsonString, _ := json.Marshal(&rows)
// result like: {"0":{"flag":"1","price":"111.00","uid":"6","username":"johnny2"},"1":{"flag":"1","price":"111.00","uid":"5","username":"johnny2"},"2":{"flag":"0","price":"123.99","uid":"4","username":"joe"}}
If you'd like to help out with the project. You can put up a Pull Request.
The godbal is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT Licensed