本项目依照标准的商业交付格式创建项目结构,生成一个具备基本的restiful API接口的服务器,实现TODO任务清单的分割和提供API接口进行按ID查询、按项目、标签类别筛选等功能。其以Java程序作为后端,Javascript网页程序作为前端,使用的工具有NodeJS(实时服务器),Maven(项目自动化管理),Gradle(项目构建)等.
This application provides a task log conversion service, while the task log has the following format in each line of its file(程序的输入文件每一行是一个任务的描述,且其中包含优先级、种类、项目标题的相关标签,每一行项目描述的格式如下):
(A) allow to get all TODOs via API +casestudy type:feature
where ([A-Z]) indicates the priority of the task, +<PROJECT_NAME> stands for the project type, "type: " stands for the category of the task.
The application mainly provides the following three features(该程序提供如下三个特性):
(1) allow to get all TODOs via API
(2) allow to get a single TODO by ID (!) via API
(3) unit test of main classes
I wrote the application in Eclipse, and installed the Java EE, dynamic web application support, NodeJs. Modules needed for NodeJs are listed in package.json, such as nodemon, body-parser, express, fs... They need to installed using:
npm install PACKAGE_NAME --save
Packages needed for the java app are listed in pom.xml, such as Gson, junit...
- store the original todo file with the name "casestudy.todo.txt" in src/main/resources.
- Go to the folder "src/main/java" (the Java app will parse the todo file), right click demo.java, choose "run as an application" , it will generate a db.json with the parsed result.
Json object is an array and each task object has the following attributes: { "id": 4, "project": string, "context": string, "contentString": string, "priority": int }
- Start the web application with live server with nodeJs, run command:
npm start
- open the homepage at
To view all TODOs, go to the api http://localhost:3000/tasks
To get a single TODO by ID, use api: http://localhost:3000/tasks/:id
The test case of the class "Task" is in the file src/main/java/TaskTest.java