All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Feature:
- Accept optional avaudio session catergory option
- Dependencies:
- [gem] Cocoapods -> 1.10.1
- [gem] Fastlane -> 2.171.0
- Fix:
- Resume audio on device background mode
- Breaking change:
has a newAVAudioSessionCategoryOptions
- Feature:
- tvOS support [@yaroslavlvov]
- Improvements:
- Improve round times in
func atPlaybackObservingService.swift
[@Ikloo] - Demo target readability
- Improve round times in
- Fix:
- Simple audio demo layout for small screen
- Dependencies:
- [gem] Cocoapods -> 1.10.0
- [gem] Fastlane -> 2.167.0
- Fix:
- Spm install
- Fix:
- [#173] Remove no sense remote command factory
- SPM:
- Update swift tools version -> 5.2
- Breaking change:
- Prev, Next, Shuffle and Repeat command factory are not available anynmore
- Non-breaking change:
- Default remote command factory list
- Feature:
- Accept optional metadata to update
- Fixes:
- Duration value when update metadata manually
- Missing player context unit tests
- Dependency:
- [gem] Cocoapods -> 1.9.3
- Fix:
- [#158] Crash when updating metadata
- Fix Xcode 11.4.1 compile issues
- Demo:
- Add simple audio queue example
- Dependency:
- [gem] Cocoapods -> 1.9.1
- [gem] Fastlane -> 2.148.1
- Fix:
- Fix duplicated command target handler from
- Fix duplicated command target handler from
- Breaking changes:
- ModernAVPlayerRemoteCommandFactory become a class
- Get most remote commands from lazy var instead of functions
- Dependencies:
- [gem] Cocoapods -> 1.9.0
- [gem] Fastlane -> 2.142.0
- Features:
- Create media from an AVPlayerItem
- Define custom item loaded asset keys
- Fix:
- Fix not expected value on periodicTimeObserver
- Remove some WaitingForNetworkState dead code
- Improvement:
- Create service to deliver AVPlayerItem
- Breaking changes:
- New
attribut forPlayerConfiguration
was renamed aspreferredTimescale
- New
- Dependencies:
- [gem] Fastlane -> 2.141.0
- [pod] Rx... -> 5.0.1
- [pod] Swiftlint -> 0.38.2
- [pod] SwiftyMocky -> 3.5.0
- Feature:
- Support SPM
- Fix:
- Seek available on stream media
- Break changes:
enum changeditemDurationNotSet
was replaced byseekPositionNotAvailable
was replaced byseekOverstepPosition
- Feature:
- Seek media with a given offset
- Seek position is bounded between 0 and current media end time
- Demo:
- New simple video example
- Breaking change:
- Remove useless ModernAVPlayerCurrentMedia protocol
- Dependencies:
- Update some gems
- Fixes:
- Update player metadata access control
- Remove useless travis command
- Remove retain cycles
- Demo:
- New simple audio example
- Improvement:
- Make player delegate method optionals
- Fixes:
- Update readme requirements
- Remove Player & Demo memory leaks (oups..)
- Dependencies:
- [gem] Cocoapod -> 1.8.4
- [gem] Fastlane -> 2.134.0
- Improvements:
- Add a new textfield in example app to test custom urls
- Expose explicit unavailable action reason
- CI:
- Update travis xcode version to 11
- [gem] Cocoapods -> 1.7.5
- [gem] Fastlane -> 2.131.0
- [pod] Quick -> 2.2.0
- [pod] Nimble -> 8.0.4
- [pod] RxSwift -> 5.0
- [pod] RxCococa -> 5.0
- [pod] SwiftLint -> 0.35.0
- [pod] SwiftyMocky -> 3.3.4
- Retain cycle in example project
- Feature:
- Support swift 5
- Dependencies:
- [gem] Cocoapods -> 1.6.1
- [pod] Quick -> 2.0.0
- [pod] Nimble -> 8.0.1
- [pod] RxSwift -> 4.5.0
- [pod] RxSwift -> 4.5.0
- [pod] SwiftyMocky -> 3.2.0
- Improvement:
- Disable external playback to avoid black screen when using AirPlay on Apple TV
- Dependency:
- [gem] Fastlane -> 2.114.0
- Fix:
- Update
playbackTime when seek
- Update
- Improvement:
- Delete duplicate code by merging internal Paused / Stopped states
- Dependency:
- [gem] Fastlane -> 2.113.0
- Breaking changes:
- didPaused(media:position) plugin method accept optional
- didStopped(media:position) plugin method accept optional
- didPaused(media:position) plugin method accept optional
- Fix:
- Crash when pause / stop and current media is nil
- Improvement:
- Automate update project version number
- Dependency:
- [gem] Fastlane -> 2.112.0
- Breaking change:
- Add
case toModernAVPlayerLoggerDomain
- Add
- Features:
- Add swift version badge
- Add
- Fixes:
- Update build travis badge url
- Set custom remote command
- Improvements:
- Move
plugin method - Unite
variable returns
- Move
- Breaking changes:
- iOS 10.0+ requirement
- Feature:
- Update to swift 4.2
- Improvement:
- Extract and refacto player actions
- Breaking change:
take image data instead of localImageName path name
- Features:
- Accept metadata image data instead of image path name
- Make metadata optional on
- Feature:
- Improve readme
- Add usefull plugin method parameters
- Breaking change:
- almost all plugin method parameters (PlayerPlugin.swift)
- Dependency:
- [pod] SwiftyMocky -> 3.0.0
- Breaking change:
was replaced byupdateMetadata(_:)
- Feature:
replace current media metadata and update now playing info
- Features:
- Make example swift 4.2 compliant
- Make tests swift 4.2 compliant
- Make pod dependencies swift 4.2 compliant
- Dependencies:
- [pod] Quick -> 1.3.1
- [pod] Nimble -> 7.3.0
- [pod] RxCocoa -> 4.3.0
- [pod] RxSwift -> 4.3.0
- [pod] SwiftLint -> 0.27.0
- Feature:
- Enable/Disable loop mode on current media
- Fix:
- Update NowPlayingInfo time at the right moment when item play reach end time
- Update init media documentation
- Features:
- Allow media setting custom HTTP header fields
- Expose AVPlayer instance
- Fixes:
- Add audio session category test
- Use the
in example - Update deprecated MPMediaItemArtwork initializer
- Move back ModernAVPlayerMedia & Metadata to library
- Dependency:
- [gem][cocoapods] -> 1.5.3
- Fix:
- Headphone toggle play pause command
- Feature:
- Add item to play end time information to delegate and plugin
- Add did media changed information to plugin
- Breaking Change:
- Remove useless item url delegate method
- Remove loggerLevelFilter configuration variable
- Features:
- Play current media from Failed state
- Play not already loaded media from Paused / Stopped states
- Log by domain
- Improvement:
- Set & fetch context item duration
- Fetch current time from player directly
- Fix:
- Try to play when receive wrong end time notification
- Adjust didCurrentTimeChange delegate method
- Features:
- Expose currentMedia attribute
- Expose player errors
- Use of custom media metadata
- Add willStartLoading plugin method
- Accept to load media from a specific position
- Breaking Change:
- Update PlayerMedia protocol: getMetadata() replace metadata attribute
- Remove useless optional media attribute in plugin loadMedia method
- Fix:
- Refactor context protocol
- Reset currentTime when loading media
- Item duration fetch using simulator device
- Plugin method description
- Plugin methods are called at the right time
- Remove useless space in now playing center default values
- Remove duplicate command center command
- Features:
- Add plugin methods to reflect all player's states
- Remove useless MediaPlayer delegate attribute
- Fix:
- Reset item duration when loading media
- Feature:
- Update now playing info metadata anytime
- Feature:
- Add readme pod shields
- Use RxSwift in example
- Fixes:
- RxSwift compatibility
- CommandCenter set when playing
- Don't play on interruption ended when playing from another app
- Make example app universal
- Display nowPlaying isLiveStream information (from iOS 10)
- Keep playing when connect bluetooth headphone
- Display coherent live stream duration
- Manage live stream audio cut
- Improve log readability
- End reach notification
- Add Logger
- Manage audio route changes
- Enable audio background mode
- Manage audio interruptions
- Add RxModernAVPlayer Pod Subspec
- Revert iOS 9 compatibility
- Add waiting step state
- Bypass waiting state when loading failed
- Check edge cases when loading
- Add plugin system management
- Fix commented unit tests
- Separate rate observing service
- Separate notification service on PlayingState
- Remove useless public access control
- Protocol and implementation naming
- Paused state leak
- Timer leaks
- Unwanted state when buffering in buffering sate