Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by API Extractor.
/// <reference types="node" />
/// <reference types="qs" />
import { CloudEventV1 as CloudEvent } from 'cloudevents';
import { IndexedFieldWithPossiblyUndefined } from 'lodash';
import { KeyValueType } from '@dapr/dapr/types/KeyValue.type';
import { ParamsDictionary } from 'express-serve-static-core';
import { ParsedQs } from 'qs';
import { Request as Request_3 } from 'express';
import { Response as Response_2 } from 'express';
import { StateQueryResponseType } from '@dapr/dapr/types/state/StateQueryResponse.type';
export { CloudEvent }
// @public
export const cloudEvent: <T = unknown>(functionName: string, handler: CloudEventFunction<T>) => void;
// @public
export interface CloudEventFunction<T = unknown> {
// (undocumented)
(cloudEvent: CloudEvent<T>): any;
// @public
export interface CloudEventFunctionWithCallback<T = unknown> {
// (undocumented)
(cloudEvent: CloudEvent<T>, callback: Function): any;
// @public
export interface CloudFunctionsContext {
eventId?: string;
eventType?: string;
resource?: string | {
[key: string]: string;
timestamp?: string;
// @public
export enum ComponentType {
Binding = "bindings",
PubSub = "pubsub",
State = "state"
// @public
export type Context = CloudFunctionsContext | CloudEvent<unknown>;
// @public
export class ContextUtils {
static IsAsyncRuntime(context: OpenFunctionContext): boolean;
static IsBindingComponent(component: OpenFunctionComponent): boolean;
static IsKnativeRuntime(context: OpenFunctionContext): boolean;
static IsPubSubComponent(component: OpenFunctionComponent): boolean;
static IsStateComponent(component: OpenFunctionComponent): boolean;
// @public
export interface Data {
// (undocumented)
data: object;
// @public
export interface EventFunction {
// (undocumented)
(data: {}, context: Context): any;
// @public
export interface EventFunctionWithCallback {
// (undocumented)
(data: {}, context: Context, callback: Function): any;
// @public
export type HandlerFunction<T = unknown> = OpenFunction | HttpFunction | EventFunction | EventFunctionWithCallback | CloudEventFunction<T> | CloudEventFunctionWithCallback<T>;
// @public
export const http: (functionName: string, handler: HttpFunction) => void;
// @public
export interface HttpFunction {
// (undocumented)
(req: Request_2, res: Response_2): any;
// @public
export interface HttpFunctionResponse {
body?: any;
code?: number;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
// @public
export type LegacyCloudFunctionsContext = CloudFunctionsContext | Data;
// @public
export interface LegacyEvent {
// (undocumented)
context: CloudFunctionsContext;
// (undocumented)
data: {
[key: string]: any;
// @public
export interface OpenFunction {
// (undocumented)
(ctx: OpenFunctionRuntime, data: object): any;
// @public
export const openfunction: (functionName: string, handler: OpenFunction) => void;
// @public
export interface OpenFunctionComponent {
componentName: string;
componentType: `${ComponentType}.${string}`;
metadata?: Record<string, string>;
operation?: string;
uri?: string;
// @public
export interface OpenFunctionContext {
inputs?: Record<string, OpenFunctionComponent>;
name: string;
outputs?: Record<string, OpenFunctionComponent>;
pluginsTracing?: TraceConfig;
port?: string;
postPlugins?: string[];
prePlugins?: string[];
runtime: `${RuntimeType}` | `${Capitalize<RuntimeType>}` | `${Uppercase<RuntimeType>}`;
states?: Record<string, OpenFunctionComponent>;
version: string;
// @public
export abstract class OpenFunctionRuntime {
constructor(context: OpenFunctionContext);
protected readonly context: OpenFunctionContext;
error?: Error;
getPlugin(name: string): Plugin_2;
readonly locals: Record<string, any>;
static Parse(context: OpenFunctionContext): OpenFunctionRuntime;
static ProxyContext(context: OpenFunctionContext): OpenFunctionRuntime;
get req(): Request_3<ParamsDictionary, any, any, ParsedQs, Record<string, any>> | undefined;
get res(): Response_2<any, Record<string, any>> | undefined;
abstract send(data: object, output?: string): Promise<object>;
setTrigger(req: Request_3, res?: Response_2): void;
get sidecarPort(): {
HTTP: string;
GRPC: string;
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "StateOperations" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
abstract get state(): StateOperations;
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "OpenFunctionTrigger" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
protected trigger?: OpenFunctionTrigger;
static WrapUserFunction(userFunction: OpenFunction, context: OpenFunctionContext | OpenFunctionRuntime): (data: any) => Promise<void>;
// @public
class Plugin_2 {
constructor(name: string, version?: string);
execPostHook(ctx: OpenFunctionRuntime | null, plugins: Record<string, Plugin_2>): Promise<void>;
execPreHook(ctx: OpenFunctionRuntime | null, plugins: Record<string, Plugin_2>): Promise<void>;
get(prop: string): string extends infer T ? T extends string ? T extends keyof this ? this[T] : T extends `${infer FieldKey}[${infer IndexKey}]` ? FieldKey extends keyof this ? IndexedFieldWithPossiblyUndefined<this[FieldKey], IndexKey> : undefined : undefined : never : never;
readonly name: string;
readonly version: string;
export { Plugin_2 as Plugin }
// @public (undocumented)
interface Request_2 extends Request_3 {
rawBody?: Buffer;
export { Request_2 as Request }
export { Response_2 as Response }
// @public
export enum RuntimeType {
Async = "async",
Knative = "knative"
// @public
export interface TraceConfig {
baggage?: Record<string, string>;
enabled: boolean;
provider: TraceProvider;
tags?: Record<string, string> & {
func?: string;
// @public
export interface TraceProvider {
name: `${TraceProviderType}` | `${Capitalize<TraceProviderType>}` | `${Uppercase<TraceProviderType>}`;
oapServer: string;
// @public
export enum TraceProviderType {
OpenTelemetry = "opentelemetry",
SkyWalking = "skywalking"
// (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)