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To Ruby From Perl

Perl is awesome. Perl’s docs are awesome. The Perl community is … awesome. However, the language is fairly large and arguably complex. For those Perlers who long for a simpler time, a more orthogonal language, and elegant OO features built-in from the beginning, Ruby may be for you.


As with Perl, in Ruby,...

  • You’ve got a package management system, somewhat like CPAN (though it’s called RubyGems).
  • Regexes are built right in. Bon appétit!
  • There’s a fairly large number of commonly-used built-ins.
  • Parentheses are often optional.
  • Strings work basically the same.
  • There’s a general delimited string and regex quoting syntax similar to Perl’s. It looks like %q{this} (single-quoted), or %Q{this} (double-quoted), and %w{this for a single-quoted list of words}. You %Q|can| %Q(use) %Q^other^ delimiters if you like.
  • You’ve got double-quotish variable interpolation, though it "looks #{like} this" (and you can put any Ruby code you like inside that #{}).
  • Shell command expansion uses `backticks`.
  • You’ve got embedded doc tools (Ruby’s is called rdoc).


Unlike Perl, in Ruby,...

  • You don’t have the context-dependent rules like with Perl.
  • A variable isn’t the same as the object to which it refers. Instead, it’s always just a reference to an object.
  • Although $ and @ are used as the first character in variable names sometimes, rather than indicating type, they indicate scope ($ for globals, @ for object instance, and @@ for class attributes).
  • Array literals go in brackets instead of parentheses.
  • Composing lists of other lists does not flatten them into one big list. Instead you get an array of arrays.
  • It’s def instead of sub.
  • There’s no semicolons needed at the end of each line. Incidentally, you end things like function definitions, class definitions, and case statements with the end keyword.
  • Objects are strongly typed. You’ll be manually calling foo.to_i, foo.to_s, etc., if you need to convert between types.
  • There’s no eq, ne, lt, gt, ge, nor le.
  • There’s no diamond operator (<>). You usually use IO.some_method instead.
  • The fat comma => is only used for hash literals.
  • There’s no undef. In Ruby you have nil. nil is an object (like anything else in Ruby). It’s not the same as an undefined variable. It evaluates to false if you treat it like a boolean.
  • When tested for truth, only false and nil evaluate to a false value. Everything else is true (including 0, 0.0, and "0").
  • There’s no PerlMonks. Though the ruby-talk mailing list is a very helpful place.