Implemention for neural architecture search of RegNet using PyTorch and AutoTorch.
This example and Fast AutoAugment will be used in the tutorial on From HPO to NAS: Automated Deep Learning at CVPR 2020.
model | ref | Acc | config |
RegNet-0.4GF | official | 72.38 | link |
RegNet-0.4GF | ours | 72.18 | link |
RegNet-4.0GF | official | 79.03 | link |
: using official configuration. ours
: using our searched configuration.
Training HP setting:
learning rate: 0.2, batch size: 512, weight decay: 1e-4,
- Install PyTorch, following the instruction.
- Install other dependencies:
pip install autotorch thop torch-encoding
- Install Apex (optional):
git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./
python --config-file configs/RegNetX-4.0GF.ini
cd scripts/
# assuming you have downloaded the dataset in the current folder
python --download-dir ./
python --dataset imagenet --config-file configs/RegNetX-4.0GF.ini --lr-scheduler cos --epochs 120 --checkname default --lr 0.025 --batch-size 64 --amp
python --gflops 4 --num-configs 32 --config-file configs/RegNetX-4.0GF
The generated configuration files will be saved as configs/RegNetX-4.0GF-1.ini
In this example, each model will be trained using a single gpu for 25 epochs.
python --config-file-folder gen_configs/RegNet-0.4GF/ --output-folder out_configs/ --epochs 25
The accuracy will be written into the output config file after training.