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File metadata and controls

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Configuration file documentation

The configuration file is designed to be as customizable as possible, so there may be some complexity coming with it. However, I'll try my best to explain how to set things up accordingly.

First of all, StarBurst is divided into various sub-systems, which are currently:

  • Generic functionality (general)
  • D-Bus Interop (dbus)
  • OBS Interop (obs)
  • Twitch API (twitch)
  • VSeeFace actions (vseeface)

Each sub-system has it's own configuration key, which matches it's internal name. Each configuration key contains various settings regarding the sub-systems functionality (like passwords, keys etc.), and a buttons key containing button definitions.

Button definitions

Each button that is visible on the stream deck is represented by a button configuration, which takes the form of the following YAML:

action: call_me
    param_1: "so here's my number"
    another_name: 420
button_image: "path/to/awesome/image.png"
button_index: 0

The action key refers to a hardcoded function inside the particular addon, which are all listed down below. params refers to the particular parameters the function takes; those vary and are described in more detail below. button_image is just a path to an image that represents the button, and button_index declares the position of the button on the stream deck, beginning with 0 starting at the top-left, going down row-majorly.

Addon descriptions

Generic functionality (general)

Available actions:

  • set_brightness: Changes the brightness of the stream deck screen. Brightness is given as an integer between 0 and 100.
    • Parameter absolute (bool): Defines if the brightness should be set to the value directly (true) or be changed relative to the current brightness (false)
    • Parameter value (int): The value to change the brightness to or by.
  • execute: Executes a given program.
    • Parameter program (string): The program name or path. If only the name is given, it tries to look up the path itself.
    • Parameter cmdline (string): The command line given to the program.

D-Bus Interop (dbus)

Available actions:

  • call: Calls a D-Bus method on the system bus.
    • Parameter destination (string): The destination of the D-Bus call.
    • Parameter path (string): The object path of the D-Bus call.
    • Parameter method (string): The name of the method to call.
    • Parameter params (array): A list of any values that are sent as parameters to the called method.

OBS Interop (obs)


  • host (string): The address of the computer where an OBS websocket is listening. By default localhost.
  • port (int): The port that an OBS websocket is listening. By default 4455.
  • password (string): The password used to connect to the OBS websocket.

Available actions:

  • set_scene: Changes the program scene of OBS to the given scene. Additionally, declaring a button with this action causes it to be marked with a red border whenever the given scene is active.
    • Parameter scene_name (string): The name of the scene to switch to.

Twitch API (twitch)


  • client_id (string): The client id of the application that is used to send API requests.
  • client_secret (string): The accompanying secret.

Available actions:

  • set_marker: Places a stream marker at the current time while streaming.
    • Parameter user_id (int): The user id of the broadcaster to set the marker for.

VSeeFace actions (vseeface)

Available actions:

  • set_expression: Sends a key combination via xdotool over to the VSeeFace window to set a specific expression. The key combination sent over is CTRL+SHIFT+<key>. Additionally, declaring a button with this action will cause it to be highlighted when selected.
    • Parameter key (string): The key used in the combination that is sent over.