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This repository contains my dotfiles of which I still use (and improve) most. Recursively clone this project to ensure that all submodules are pulled. Be aware that Awesome WM Copycats contains submodules itself.


I recommend using GNU Stow. With this application installed, using e.g. my bash dotfiles is as easy as executing stow -t ~ bash in the repository root. Nota bene: both fonts and system must be executed with the target directory parameter set to /. For more information, please refer to the GNU Stow manual.

Included programs' dotfiles

  • ag
    • Basic ignore file
    • Other configuration can be found in .bashrc and init.vim
  • awesome
    • Based on Awesome WM Copycats
    • Adapted to fit my taste and the shortcuts which I'm used to, mostly from i3
  • bash
    • General terminal configuration including promptline
    • Global variables
    • Functions
      • Backup music
      • Compute and add ReplayGain to audio files
      • Connect to Internet via Ethernet or WiFi and disable the other
      • Convert lossless M4A, FLAC or MP3 to OGG
      • Delete Steam libraries after an update
      • Downsize album art
      • En-/decrypt a file using GNU Privacy Guard
      • Optimise an Arch system
      • Read and set vga_switcheroo status
      • Remove temporary LaTeX files
      • Set CPU frequency by changing its governor
      • Set Radeon power mode
      • Un-/mount LUKS encrypted device
      • Un/-mount an MTP device
    • Integrate fzf
    • Load PulseAudio and other programs when starting X
    • Extend ANSI keyboard layout
      • Disable caps key
      • Ensure altgr is loaded
      • Add , , §
      • Add ', ^, `
    • Solarised colours and other configuration for xterm
  • Dunst
  • feh
    • Add hjkl style navigation
  • Mozilla Firefox
    • UI customisations (no close button, rectangular tabs…)
    • CSS rules to replace some fonts for clearer rendering
    • Disable middle mouse button loads tab if clipboard contains a URL
  • Fluxbox
    • Configuration files
    • My themes (Seon, Enos…)
  • Fonts
    • Font smoothing
    • Fixes for Gimp
    • Also install Firefox dotfiles if you are using this configuration
  • Git
    • My local configuration, not of any interest for you
  • GTK
    • Configuration for GTK 2 and 3
  • i3
    • i3 configuration (uses, but does not include, i3-exit and i3lock-wrapper)
      • Solarised theme
      • Pidgin will spawn on a separate messenger workspace
      • Spotify and Deezer as Chromium apps spawn on a music workspace
      • Pidgin chat windows will be moved to scratchpad and can be brought into foreground by using M^o
      • Popup windows like Enigmail are being floated
      • Volume control with audio feedback (sound file is not included)
      • Locale-less keyboard configuration so that it should work both with German and ANSI keyboard layouts
      • Penguin workspace for fullscreen windows that don't hide the i3bar
      • Half-heartedly emulate my pok3r keybindings by using xdotool
      • MPD controls
    • Conky JSON configuration for use with MPD
      • Unobtrusive colours for regular values
      • Colour accents for unusual/important values (e.g. high CPU or RAM usage)
    • Scripts
      • En-/disable display timeout
      • Load ANSI altgr intl keyboard layout and custom keys (if any)
      • En-/disable monitors and set wallpaper
  • mpd
    • Configuration for mpd user with Pulse and HTTP stream output
  • ncmpcpp
    • Custom key bindings (more vim like)
    • Custom UI colours
  • nvim
    • Enable undo support
    • Loads of smaller tweaks and customisation
    • Many plugins with sane defaults
  • st
  • system
    • Enable Magic SysRQ key
    • Invert scrolling direction
    • Set journal max size
    • Don't suspend to RAM when laptop lid is closed
    • Load keyboard configuration automatically, when pok3r is connected
    • Enable British, US and German locales
    • Set console layout to something ANSI-like with the possibility for Umlauts etc.
    • iptables rules
      • Hardening to reduce potential external connections
      • Allow connections in a local network to some socket addresses needed by various applications
  • termite
  • top
    • 4 panels
  • vimperator
    • Somewhat solarised theme (modified)
    • Optimise GUI for space
    • Improve usability by introducing some regular browser keyboard shortcuts
    • Make Zotero accessible through a keyboard
  • zathura


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