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Circular Natal Horoscope JS

By horoscope, we're talking about the astrological birth charts. Not horoscope readings or interpretations.

I'm hoping to avoid commonly used labels like "Western" or "Hellenistic", but these are very much the circular charts you see in eur-asian based astrology traditions and not the charts in Chinese or Vedic traditions.

Example Chart:

Natal Chart Example

The goal is to provide a library which will allow someone to:

  1. Enter a calendar date + time and latitude/longitude coordinates for a position on the planet Earth.

  2. And receive Javascript results which can be used to interface with a separate frontend library (maybe this one or a custom one) for creating the actual charts.

This package now works with typescript projects!

Current Features

Given a date/time/point of origin...

  1. Allows user to switch between Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs when constructing calculations.
  2. Calculates the major angles (ascendant and Midheaven (MC)) in relation to the point of origin
  3. Calculates the positions for all major bodies (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in relation to the point of origin
  4. Calculates the positions of the north/south Lunar Nodes and Lilith in relation to the point of origin
  5. Notes whether a planet is in retrograde at the given date/time
  6. Provides the cusps of each house in relation to the point of origin within multiple house systems.~~ (Placidus, Koch, Topocentric, Regiomontanus, Campanus, Whole Sign, and Equal House added.)
  7. Provides the cusps of each astrological sign in relation to the point of origin
  8. Provides a configurable list containing all the computed major and minor aspects of all bodies / points / angles
  9. Provides a way to extend this library with other language and deliver language-specific labels and names within the results.

Future work

=> Positions of the lots (Fortune, Spirit, Eros, etc)

=> I'm open to requests for house systems. I'm currently stopped at 6 - we have 2 "modern" systems (Topocentric, Koch), 3 "medieval" systems (Placidus, Regiomontanus, Campanus), and 2 "ancient" systems (Whole Sign, Equal House). My formula resource "An Astrological House Formulary" by Michael P. Munkasey has many more house formulas I can implement if wanted. Hopefully I covered the most popular ones.

Implementation / Use

  1. Get the Origin
import { Origin, Horoscope } from "circular-natal-horoscope-js";

// Origin
// This class automatically derives the local timezone from latitude/longitude coordinates
// and calculates UTC time with respect to timezone and historical daylight savings time.
// Only works for C.E. date (> 0).
// * int year: value >= 0 C.E.
// * int month: (0 = january ...11 = december)
// * int date: (1...31)
// * int hours = local time - hours value (0...23)
// * int minute = local time - minute value (0...59)
// * float latitude = latitude in decimal format (-90.00...90.00)
// * float longitude = longitude in decimal format (-180.00...180.00)

// December 1st, 2020 - 430pm
const origin = new Origin({
  year: 2020,
  month: 11, // 0 = January, 11 = December!
  date: 1,
  hour: 16,
  minute: 30,
  latitude: 40.0,
  longitude: -70.0,
  1. Configure your horoscope results
import { Origin, Horoscope } from "circular-natal-horoscope-js";

// Horoscope
// This class contains horoscope chart calculations
// * Origin origin: instance of the Origin class
// * string houseSystem: one of the following: ['placidus', 'koch', 'campanus', 'whole-sign', 'equal-house', 'regiomontanus', 'topocentric'] - full list validated in self.HouseSystems
// * string zodiac: one of the following: ['sidereal', 'tropical'] - full list validated self.ZodiacSystems
// * array aspectPoints = an array containing all or none of the strings "bodies", "points", or "angles" to determine which starting points will be used in aspect generation
// * array aspectWithPoints = an array containing all or none of the strings "bodies", "points", or "angles" to determine ending points will be used in aspect generation
// * array aspectTypes = an array containing all or none of the following: "major", "minor", "conjunction", "opposition", etc to determine which aspects to calculate.
// * object customOrbs = an object with specific keys set to override the default orbs and set your own for aspect calculation.
// * string language = the language code (en, es, etc) which will return labels and results in a specific language, if configured.
// *NOTE: "bodies" = planets, "points" = lunar nodes / lilith, "angles" = ascendant / midheaven
// *NOTE: You can also pass in individual bodies, points, or angles into aspectPoints or aspectWithPoints
// * example: { aspectPoints: ["sun"], aspectWithPoints: ["moon"], aspectTypes: ["major", "quincunx"] }
// * will only calculate sun to moon major or quincunx aspects if they exist
// * All usable keys found in ./src/constant.js under BODIES, POINTS, ANGLES

const horoscope = new Horoscope({
      origin: new Origin({...}),
      houseSystem: "whole-sign",
      zodiac: "tropical",
      aspectPoints: ['bodies', 'points', 'angles'],
      aspectWithPoints: ['bodies', 'points', 'angles'],
      aspectTypes: ["major", "minor"],
      customOrbs: {},
      language: 'en'

2b. (optional) Set custom orb degrees for aspects. Default orbs are found in ./src/constants.js

import { Origin, Horoscope } from "circular-natal-horoscope-js";

const customOrbs = {
      conjunction: 8,
      opposition: 8,
      trine: 8,
      square: 7,
      sextile: 6,
      quincunx: 5,
      quintile: 1,
      septile: 1,
      "semi-square": 1,
      "semi-sextile": 1,

const horoscope = new Horoscope({
      origin: new Origin({...}),
      houseSystem: "whole-sign",
      zodiac: "tropical",
      aspectPoints: ['bodies', 'points', 'angles'],
      aspectWithPoints: ['bodies', 'points', 'angles'],
      aspectTypes: ["major", "minor"],
      customOrbs: customOrbs,
      language: 'en'
  1. Get your results
import { Origin, Horoscope } from "circular-natal-horoscope-js";

const horoscope = new Horoscope({...})

// Info for all critical angles
horoscope.Angles = {
  all: [...],
  ascendant: {...},
  midheaven: {...}

// The ascendant info
horoscope.Ascendant = {...}

// Aspect results
horoscope.Aspects = {
  all: [...],
  points: {
    // organized by point
    ascendant: [...], // etc
    sun: [...], // etc
    moon: [...], // etc
  types: {
    // organized by type
    conjunction: [...], // etc
    opposition: [...] // etc

// Planet / Asteriod results
// sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto, chiron, sirius
horoscope.CelestialBodies = {
  all: [...],
  sun: {...}, // etc
  moon: {...} // etc

// lunar results
// northnode, southnode, lilith
horoscope.CelestialPoints = {
  all: [...],
  northnode: {...}, //etc

// house cusps
horoscope.Houses = [

// Midheaven info

horoscope.Midheaven = {

// Info about what zodiac sign the sun is in at a given origin
horoscope.SunSign = {

// Info about the zodiac cusps at the given date/time/location origin
horoscope.ZodiacCusps = [
Interpreting ChartPositions:

You'll frequently see a ChartPosition class in your results for house cusps, zodiac cusps, bodies, etc. This class should give you everything you need to orient and place the cusp / body onto your circular natal chart. It provides a set of points for the object to place it along the horizon or the ecliptic.

The horizon is typically understood to be the inner circle on the natal chart. The Ascendant is commonly located at 0 degrees along the horizon circle.

The ecliptic is understood to be the outer circle on the natal chart. The start of Aries is always at 0 degrees along this circle.

const mercury = {
  // ChartPosition for a mercury in Libra and conjunct the ascendant.
  ChartPosition: {
    Horizon: { // mercury is on the horizon mercury the ascendant (0 deg horizon)
      ArcDegrees: {degrees: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0}
      ArcDegreesFormatted: "0° 0' 0''"
      ArcDegreesFormatted30: "0° 0' 0''"
      DecimalDegrees: 0
    Ecliptic: { // mercury is also at 180 degrees on the ecliptic, so within Libra sign.
      ArcDegrees: {degrees: 180, minutes: 38, seconds: 2}
      ArcDegreesFormatted: "180° 38' 2''"
      ArcDegreesFormatted30: "0° 38' 2''"
      DecimalDegrees: 180.634


If installing from source, clone this repo load the main file found at dist/index.js.

This package is also hosted on NPM

Install it with:

npm i circular-natal-horoscope-js --save

// or yarn

yarn add circular-natal-horoscope-js


Install node modules

npm install

// or

yarn install

Then run

yarn start:dev

and any changes you make should be reflected in dist/demo.html if you open the file in a browser.

Run tests with

npm test

// or

yarn test


This package uses webpack to produce a javascript bundle. If modifying this code, a new bundle can be built with the following command:

npm run build

// or

yarn run build


A small HTML implementation demo is provided.

To view, build the demo files locally with:

npm run build:demo

and then open demo/dist/demo.html in a browser.

Please Note: The demo chart is just used as an visual example of what the library can do and isnt part of the core library. The chart uses code from this repo:

Adding new languages

You can see how English and Spanish tokens are implemented in src/utilities/language.js. Copy the tokens for 1 language and add it to a key matching the ISO language code you want. Then, when you generate the horoscope, pass this code into the constructor:

new Horoscope({ language: "es" });

and your language will appear in the results under the .label keys supplied within Sign, Aspect, Planet, House objects.

Publishing / Packaging

I recommend doing a github release first and then testing this package locally before publishing to npm! You can test a package from a github release by adding the following to any project dependencies:

"git+<tag or commit>"
  • update the version number in package.json
  • Build with npm run build and commit to branch
  • run npm publish

Sources / Special Thanks

  • All formula for astronomical and astrological calculations are cited in the codebase.
  • Special thanks to Mivion for their javascript implementation of Moshier's ephemeris
  • and to xErik for their work converting it into a module
  • and Moshier for creating and sharing their C implementation of an ephemeris
  • "Astronomical Algorithims" by Jean Meeus
  • "An Astrological House Formulary" by Michael P. Munkasey
  • "Dividing the Heavens" by Leonard Williams