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My personal git cheatsheet where I keep some commands I find useful


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Git cheatsheet

I have kept this local for a long time, why not to share it? If you find a command which is not there and helped to you resolved a git issue, please send PR.

Create existing branch from remote

  git checkout -b <branch> origin/<branch>

Replace current commit with the files currently in the directory

  git commit --amend -C HEAD

Change commit message

  git commit --amend

Take all changes to tracked files and make a commit

  git commit -all

What chnages are going to be committed

  git diff --cached

Changes files in the working tree and the last commit

  git diff head

Cleaning git -d directory , -x - untracked and ignored, -f forced (-n only shows files)

  git clean -dxf
git log --oneline

Update all remotes

  git fetch -all

Reset merge to return to the stae before merging

  git reset --merge

Remove untracked changes in the working directory

  git stash --keep-index
  bring back the stashed changes to the working tree
  git stash pop

Difference between local master and origin/master (or any other branch)

  git diff master origin/master
  git diff master file (on branch)

Git log

  git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit

List branches (-a all local and remote, -r only remote branches)

  git branch -a
  git branch -r

Show status files in directories

  git st -u

Rebase on master local

  git rebase origin/master

Push new branch

  git push -u origin your_branch

git stash - store uncommited changes (clean local repo)

  git stash
  git stash list
  git stash apply (last stash otherwise explicitly cite which one)
  git stash drop - drop last one
  git stash clear - remove ALL
  git stash pop
  git stash push
  git stash apply SHA1 - in case you dropped the stash

Push branch to origin

  git push origin branch_name

Diff file between modification and the last commit

  git diff HEAD file

Force push (rewrite history, don't do if shared repo or be caution)

  git push origin your_branch --force

Keeps history visible on graph

  git merge --no-ff

Remove last commit with losing files

  git reset --hard HEAD~1

Remove the last commit with files intact

  git reset --soft HEAD~1

Track remote branch (and switch to a new one)

  git checkout --track -b origin/daves_branch

# if multiple remotes do

  git checkout -b branch_name remote_name/branch_name

Move files

  git mv FILE destination

Rebase before pushing (only commits which differ from upstream - master)

  git rebase -i @{u}

Fix conflicts during merge

  git mergetool

Commit deleted files

  git add -u

Diff any commit (example diff last commit with previous)

  git difftool HEAD HEAD~1

git diff labels

  git diff tag1 tag2 -- some/file/name

Change the last commit (=edit)

  git commit --amend

show tags (label)

  git tag

Annotated tag (not lighweight!)

  git tag -a v1.4 -m 'my version 1.4'

Lightweight tags

  git tag my_version

Delete the tag locally

  git tag -d my_version
  # this one delets tag my_version from the remote origin
  git push origin :refs/tags/my_version

Diff staged

  git diff --cached file

Squash merge to master from newstuff branch

  git checkout master
  git merge --squash newstuff

Show untracked files

  git ls-files --other --exclude-standard

Diff only files name which differs

  git diff --name-only master <branch>

Remove branch (newfeature) from origin

  git push origin :newfeature

Remove local branch

  git brach -d branch_name

Show branch with commits

  git show-branch

Show which branch was merged (be concious about squash/rebase)

  git branch -r --merged master | sed 's/ *origin\///' | grep -v 'master$'

Fetch tags

  git fetch -t

Push tag

  git push origin [tagname]

Github forked update (new upstream, then merge to master fork) - mbed as an example

  git remote add --track master upstream git://
  git merge upstream/master

Change url for upstream remote

  git remote set-url upstream address

Rename remote

  git remote rename origin destination

git (github) update fork

  git fetch upstream
  git merge upstream/master
  git pull --rebase upstream master (preffered)

Revert bad rebase

git reflog (this displays history, check which one you want to return to)
git reset <sha> --hard

Show commit with sha (example 1e8e50996)

  git show s1e8e50996

Fetch a branch github (already forked)

  git remote add theirusername
  git fetch theirusername
  git checkout -b mynamefortheirbranch theirusername/theirbranch

Set tracking branch (current branch to track upstream/foo)

  git branch -u upstream/foo

Change author for the last commit

  git rebase -i B
  change pick to edit in the tet
  git commit --amend --author="author <email>"
  git rebase --continue

  git commit --ammend --author="name <email>"

Fetch submodules within repository

  git submodule update --init --recursive

Clone with all submodules

  git clone --recursive git@address

Add submodule

  git submodule add git@address

Find out where the branch started from another branch


To create a patch from the current master, from the SHA up to the top of HEAD, all in one patch. If you don't supply --stdout option, will create a patch for each commit

  git format-patch <sha> --stdout > my.patch
  # use --relative for relative paths
  # or -o for output directory

To apply patch (no signoff involved), neither commits

  git apply --check my.patch
  git apply my.patch

To sign off and keep the log

git am < my.patch
# use --directory for directory where it should be applied

# for windows, as patch/*.patch does not work, use find:
find ./patch/*.patch | xargs git am

# if there are conflicts use -3, then run git mergetool to resolve conflicts

Push local branch to remote branch with different branch name

git push origin local-name:remote-name

Update remote url link

git remote set-url origin

Copy files from one repo to another with history

git log --pretty=email --patch-with-stat --reverse -- path/to/file_or_folder | (cd /path/to/new_repository && git am)

Mirror a repo to a new one (clone with all branches, tags)

git clone --bare old_repo.git
cd old-repo.git
git push --mirror new_repo.git

Find out when was a file/a folder deleted

git log -1 -- file/folder

If forced to Github PRs but there were changes, git reflog is no help, use git refs to recover. The commands create a new branch in a repo (where PR come from. Use this new branch as a new point you can reset to or just cherry pick changes from)

curl -u <owner><owner>/<repo>/events
curl -u <owner> -X POST -d "{\"ref\":\"refs/heads/<new-branch>\", \"sha\":\"<sha found in first step>\"}"<owner>/<repo>/git/refs


My personal git cheatsheet where I keep some commands I find useful



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