Version 2.7 of an old script I made for building steganography challenges.
hackercodecs ->
Careful : It does not uses the 'pip install hackercodecs' yet. Try to run the script for the first time, eventually it will handle the download process itself. Either way : You need to download the full package (linked above) in order to fully take advantage of the creation process.
pip install Pillow
wget -q
wget -q
chmod +x
The script handles several of technics for hiding and retrieving hidden messages in a picture.
- The list will be describe in the Creation module below - Help:
./ -h
For printing all the referenced modes of LSB technics found in the parsed picture.
./ --extract img.png
Technics of insertion of messages in the RGBs of pixels :
[-idr|--insert-diag-red] Diagonal, only for RED
[-idg|--insert-diag-green] Diagonal, only for GREEN
[-idb|--insert-diag-blue] Diagonal, only for BLUE
[-ida|--insert-diag-rgb] Diagonal, for all RGB
[-ir|--insert-red] First 3 lines, only for RED
[-ig|--insert-green] First 3 lines, only for GREEN
[-ib|--insert-blue] First 3 lines, only for BLUE
[-ia|--insert-rgb] First 3 lines, for all RGB
[-ir2|--insert-2-bits-red] First 3 lines, 2 LSB, only for RED
[-ig2|--insert-2-bits-green] First 3 lines, 2 LSB, only for GREEN
[-ib2|--insert-2-bits-blue] First 3 lines, 2 LSB, only for BLUE
[-ir3|--insert-3-bits-red] First 3 lines, 3 LSB, only for RED
[-ig3|--insert-3-bits-green] First 3 lines, 3 LSB, only for GREEN
[-ib3|--insert-3-bits-blue] First 3 lines, 3 LSB, only for BLUE
[-ia3|--insert-3-bits-rgb] First 3 lines, 3 LSB, for all RGB
[-i2r|--insert-pair-red] 1 out of 2 pixels [even ones], only for RED
[-i2g|--insert-pair-green] 1 out of 2 pixels, only for GREEN
[-i2b|--insert-pair-blue] 1 out of 2 pixels, only for BLUE
[-i2a|--insert-pair-rgb] 1 out of 2 pixels, for all RGB
The script allows you to encode the message to hide into those formats:
ascii85, base16, base32, base64, bin, entity, entityhex, morse, rot1, rot10, rot11, rot12, rot13, rot14, rot15, rot16, rot17, rot18, rot19, rot2, rot20, rot21, rot22, rot23, rot24, rot25, rot3, rot4, rot5, rot6, rot7, rot8, rot9, url, yenc
Exemple with the 3 leasts significant bits of RED color insertion mode of a message encoded in base64 :
./ -ir3 PNG_transparency_demonstration_1.png -enc "base64" "My_credit_card_PIN_:_1290468493102384659182"
[+] MSG successfully hidden in IMG_5bXBXshBPAP386fRxg.png
Then we gather information from the newly created picture:
./ -e IMG_5bXBXshBPAP386fRxg.png