A collection of languages/Frameworks implementations of a basic Expense Tracker.
Inspired by this Breakout game recreation project in various JS Engines: https://github.com/city41/breakouts
This is the MVP base for all App implementations:
- List all transactions
- Show a basic dashboard balance:
- Total (Incomes+Expenses);
- Total Incomes;
- Total Expenses;
- Add an individual items (name, amount, date);
- Search bar to filter the transaction with the current input;
- Save/load state;
- Individually remove;
- Clear all items (with a confirmation modal);
This it's some features that would be amazing to have in the app:
- Search bar to filter the items with the current input;
- Individually edit:
- Name;
- Amount;
- Date;
- Edit a Item;
- Categories/labels;