aerogear-mobile-scaffolding is a plugin to scaffold CRUD for a mobile first application. Header, footer, list with responsive UI powered by lightweight topcoat CSS. MVC is powed by cujo.js, mobile plumbing with AeroGear. This scaffolding plugin scaffold client views, it requires that your controller has been generated using generate-restful-controller.
Add a dependency to BuildConfig.groovy:
plugins {
compile ":aerogear-mobile-scaffolding:0.0.1"
- npm installed
- bower installed
- Grails 2.3.6+
- make our domain class RESTful
In domain class:
@Resource(uri = '/talks', formats = ['json'])
class Talk {
String description
static constraints = {
- Generate the view Use command line:
grails html-generate-views org.myproject.MyDomainClass
- Fetch Js dependencies with bower
cd web-app
npm install
grails run-app
html-generate-views [domainClass] [optional viewName]
3muskete33rs on twitter @3musket33rs
- Athos is Corinne Krych (@corinnekrych)
- Aramis is Sebastien Blanc (@sebi2706)
- Porthos is Fabrice Matrat (@fabricematrat)
- D'Artagnan is Mathieu Bruyen (@mathbruyen)