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A dead simple distributed rate limiting library in Elixir using Mnesia.


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A dead simple distributed rate limiting library in Elixir using Mnesia.

What is it?

A distributed rate limiter with a focus on readable and well tested code.

The counter is syncronized over all connected nodes

iex(test2@> Minirate.check_limit("download", "user_1", 100)
{:allow, 1}
iex(test1@> Minirate.check_limit("download", "user_1", 100)
{:allow, 2}


Minirate is availabe as a package in Hex, just add it to your mix.exs file:

def deps
  [{:minirate, "~> 0.1"}]

and add it to your extra applications:

def applications do
  extra_applications: [:minirate]


Minirate needs to be configured using Mix.Config.

For example, in config/config.exs:

config :minirate,
  mnesia_table: :rate_limiter,
  expiry_ms: 60_000
  cleanup_period_ms: 10_000

mnesia_table specifies which table will Mnesia use to write the counters. expiry_ms specifies the counter life in millisecconds (for example to have rates like x request every 10 seconds, you would set expiry_ms to 10_000) cleanup_period_ms specifies how often minirate will clean expired counters from the mnesia database


With Minirate you can rate limit any action on your application.

The module Minirate the function check_limit(action_name, identifier, limit)

An Example:

@download_limit 1_000

def download_file(file, user_id) do
  case Minirate.check_limit("download_file", user_id, @download_limit) do
    {:allow, _count} ->
      # Logic to download the file

    {:block, _reason} ->
      # Logic when the limit has been reached

    {:skip, _reason} ->
     # Skip will only happen if there's a problem with your nodes or mnesia setup and a count cannot be determined.

Using Minirate.Plug

Minirate.Plug can rate-limit actions in your web application using the ip address of the requester.

You can just put in the pipeline of your web application something like this:

plug Minirate.Plug, [action: action, limit: 10_000]

or for more flexibilty:

plug Minirate.Plug, [action: "custom_action", limit: 10_000] when action == :update or action == :create