- 👋 Hi, I’m @752963e64
- 📫 How to reach me 752963e64@tutanota.com
- ✨ Pronouns: Where is money?
- ⚡ Fun fact: I need money.
I'm 38yo, younger I've played with Amstrad, gameboy, sega, gamegear, segamegadrive, nes, supernes, dreamcast, nintendo64, xbox, playstation.
Until I had computer around 2000... I was around p2p, torrent and PC games in user mode.
Until I wanted to be like those guy who knows everything about computing and electronic...
So I "Tried" software security. I was A good script kiddy... however atmospher was strange and I'm super fragile, not weak; Fragile.
Until I left to learn programming from scratch... no school exp... learning one thing after another drove me into a spiral... no kidding.
It was never enough... From frontend to backend in web to the same in operating system, hardware circuitry, datasheets and driver interface.
Meanwhile since 2000, I saw the web flipping on itself conway's way of life. It's a good experience but also a curse.
Smarter and dangerous?