GOtWebo2, a discord bot created from BotWebo2 in Go.
Use command /play with the link of YouTube videos and playlist to add songs.
- [list] Shows current playlist.
- [loop] Changes current loop settings.
- [skip] If no number is provided, skips to the next song.
- [song] Displays info about the current song.
- [empty] Removes all songs from the playlist.
- [rload ] Loads completed anime list from anilist username.
- [rplay] Plays random songs from the anime list loaded.
- [rstop] Stop playing random theme.
- [ruser] Shows current list owner.
- [shuffle] Shuffles the playlist.
- [/danbooru tags] Sends a random image from danbooru with the specified tag.
- [/sauce url] Finds the source for the image in the url.
- [/anime name] Gets the remaining time until the next episode of the specified anime.
First you must have 2 discord channels called "anime-webonews" and "manga-webonews".
Then, every 20 mins the bot will send the most recent anime news.
Created using the newsfeed.
The bot will send an image related to the text, try it yourself with /image [text].- yes
- no
- pray
- please
- smug
- trembling
- pekora
- haacham