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Smithy: Project Reviewal System

Current Devs

Alejandro Alonso
Noakai Aronesty

Founding Team (Team Jimin)

Alejandro Alonso (PM)
Noakai Aronesty
Justin Zou
Ivan Lam


This is going to be a Software Development Review Site, designed with Mr.Mykolyk's Softdev class in mind. The site will allow teams to upload their projects to the server, rate and comment on these projects. We will have upvoting and downvoting comments and a star system to review the overall project.

Current Objective

Push Project Editing

API Cards

Gravatar API

Launch Codes

  • Install and activate virtual environment
    $ python3 -m venv ~/venv
    Linux: $ source ~/venv/bin/activate
    Windows: $ source ~/venv/Scripts/activate

  • Clone the Repository
    (venv)$ git clone

  • Install Dependencies
    (venv)$ cd project-reviewal-system
    (venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Run the app
    (venv)$ cd app
    (venv)$ python3

  • Open the website at

Color Pallete

Purple: #5a4ae3, rgba(90,74,227,255)

Green (Light): #49a18c, rgba(73,161,140,255)

Green(Dark): #237677, rgba(35,118,119, 150)

Bg: Whitesmoke


Prof. Topher Mykolyk
Stuyvesant High School