This a simple tool that can migrate data between two cloud firestore instances sitting under different GCP accounts.
You need four things.
- Service account json for the database providing the data
- Service account json for the database receiving the data
- The name of the collection where the database currently sits
- The name of the collection you want to insert the data into
- The name of the firebase project you're exporting to
On the Google Cloud Platform service account page select or create a new service account. Then go into the account, click edit at the top and click create key at the bottom. Choose json and a file will download.
git clone
yarn install
INPUT_CREDS="path/to/input/service/acc.json" INPUT_COLLECTION="collection name" OUTPUT_CREDS=".path/to/output/service/acc.json" OUTPUT_COLLECTION="collection" OUTPUT_APP_NAME="name of your second firebase app" node migrator.js
If your collection a substantial amount of document the migrator will chunk your documents into batches of 10 to prevent errors.
Created by Capgemini AIE London team.