A Google Maps like navigation system for Minecraft.
View more information on the Mojang Maps wiki!
Moved to the Mojang Maps wiki and #14.
- /registerlocation /createlocation - Register a location.
- /registerroad /createroad - Register a road.
- /goto - Go to a specific location.
- /whereamistanding /whichroad /where - Shows where you're standing.
- /reloadconfigsfromdisk /reloadconfigs /reloadconfig - Reloads all the configs from disk.
- /navigation /gotogui - Go to a specific location and view the navigation in GUI form.
- mojangmaps.register - Lets you register things.
- mojangmaps.register.location - Lets you register a location.
- mojangmaps.register.road - Lets you register a road.
- mojangmaps.using - Lets you use Mojang Maps.
- mojangmaps.using.goto - Lets you go to a location.
- mojangmaps.using.viewlocation - Lets you view your location
- mojangmaps.using.navigation - Lets you go to a location and view the navigation in GUI form.
- mojangmaps.util - Some useful tools fo an admin.
- mojangmaps.util.reloadconfigs - Lets you reload your configs from disk.
- https://github.com/Abelkrijgtalles/mojang-maps, GitHub repository.
- https://tinyurl.com/mmgithub, TinyUrl of the GitHub repository.
- https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/mojang-maps.111455/, SpigotMC page.
- https://modrinth.com/plugin/mojang-maps, Modrinth page.
- https://crowdin.com/project/mojang-maps, Crowdin page (for translations).
- https://github.com/Abelkrijgtalles/mojang-maps-data, The GitHub page for data used by Mojang Maps.
- https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/Mojang%20Maps/19295, The bStats of Mojang Maps.
- https://mojangmaps.abelkrijgtalles.nl, The wiki of Mojang Maps.
- SamJakob and all these people for creating SpiGUI.
- filoghost for creating a way to store hidden data in lore