users ||--o{ contacts : "has"
users ||--o{ group_chats : "creates"
users ||--o{ group_chat_members : "joins"
users ||--o{ chats : "sends"
users ||--o{ group_chat_messages : "authors"
users ||--o{ message_tags : "is tagged in"
group_chats ||--o{ group_chat_members : "contains"
group_chats ||--o{ group_chat_messages : "has"
chats ||--o{ attachments : "has"
group_chat_messages ||--o{ message_tags : "has"
users {
int id PK
string first_name
string last_name
string phone_number
timestamp create_at
timestamp updated_at
contacts {
int id PK
int contact_user_id FK
int contacted_user_id FK
enum relationship_type
timestamp create_at
timestamp updated_at
group_chats {
int id PK
string group_name
int created_by FK
timestamp create_at
timestamp updated_at
group_chat_members {
int id PK
int group_chat_id FK
int member_user_id FK
timestamp joined_at
chats {
int id PK
int from_user_id FK
int to_user_id FK
text message
enum status
timestamp create_at
timestamp updated_at
group_chat_messages {
int id PK
int group_chat_id FK
int message_author_id FK
text message
timestamp create_at
timestamp updated_at
attachments {
int id PK
int chat_id FK
string file_path
timestamp create_at
timestamp updated_at
message_tags {
int id PK
int message_id FK
int tagged_user_id FK
This database schema represents a chat system with support for:
- Direct messaging between users
- Group chats
- Contact management
- File attachments
- Message tagging
- Message status tracking
- User management with contact relationships
- Support for both direct and group messaging
- File attachment capabilities
- Message status tracking (sent, delivered, read)
- User tagging in messages
- Timestamps for all records