It contains the Jupyter Notebook Code for a TicTacToe developed with the help of PyGame Library.
●Tic-Tac-Toe is very popular and is quite simple in itself. It is a two-player game. In this game, there is a board with 3×3 squares. You will have to use the popular Pygame library for rendering graphics on a display window.
● In this game a player can choose between two symbols with his opponent, the usual games use “X” and “O”. If the first player chooses “X”, then the second player must play with “O” and vice versa.
●A player marks one of the 3×3 squares with his symbol (perhaps “X” or “O”) and he aims to create a straight line horizontally or vertically or diagonally with two intensions:
- Create a straight line before your opponent to win the game.
- Prevent his opponent from creating a straight line first.
● If no one can logically create a straight line with its symbol, the game ends in a tie. So there are only three possible outcomes: one player wins, his opponent (human or computer) wins, or there is a tie. You will prepare this Tic Tac Toe GUI with Python for two players.
● The downloading of an image from a web address using Python's built-in "urllib" module and then load it using pygame.image.load()