- LSTM-based Neural Mask Estimation for designing MVDR [1, 4]
- on-the-fly data augmentation
- pre-trained model
- speaker-Aware mask training supported [2]
- SNR-based reference mic selection for MVDR [1, 4]
- small scale sample training data
- You can perform experiment using any data by replacing the data
- We put WHAM! noise data[2], Libri Speech and LJ speech as sample noise clean speech data.
Please run generate_validate_data.py
- Please put data(noise and clean speech) ./dataset/validate/*
- You will get validation_features/speech_mask.npy, validation_features/noise_mask.npy and validation_features/val_spec.npy
Please run train.py
- Please put data(noise and clean speech) ./dataset/train/*
- You will get model/neaural_mask_estimator{}.hdf5 ・{} indicates the number of times of epoch
Please run predict.py
- Perform mask estimation and design MVDR beamformer and you can get enhanced speech
- Please put multi channel data ./dataset/data_for_beamforming/* for beamforming
- You will get result in ./result/* ・ enhencement_all_channels.wav is result without channel selection -・enhacement_snr_select.wav is result with channel selection
speaker-aware mask estimating
1: Please run adapt.py - Please prepare target speaker list and non target speaker list (e.g., sp1_list.txt, sp2_list.txt) - you will get speaker-aware model ./model/speaker_2.hdf5
- Please run speaker_aware_mask_predict.py
- you can compare mask results before/after adaptation
- https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2018/04/ICASSP2018-Christoph.pdf
[2] WHAM!: Extending Speech Separation to Noisy Environments
- https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.01160
[3] The Hitachi/JHU CHiME-5 system: Advances in speech recognition for veryday home environments using multiple microphone arrays
- http://spandh.dcs.shef.ac.uk/chime_workshop/papers/CHiME_2018_paper_kanda.pdf
[4] Improved MVDR beamforming using single-channel mask prediction networks
- https://www.merl.com/publications/docs/TR2016-072.pdf
python 3.6.7+
numpy 1.14.3 soundfile 0.9.0 pyroomacoustics 0.1.21 librosa 0.6.2 tensorflow 1.9.0 scipy 1.2.0 cython 0.25.2 matplotlib 3.6.7