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n3-line-chart Build Status

n3-line-chart makes creating beautiful charts for AngularJS applications easy and semantic. It is built on top of D3.js.

You can find examples on the demo page.

How to install

  • Install using bower : bower install n3-line-chart (or copy line-chart.min.js wherever you want)
  • Reference line-chart.min.js in your index.html file
  • Reference the module in your app file :
    angular.module('myApp', ['n3-line-chart'])

The module was originally named n3-charts.linechart. This is still valid but will probably be removed in the future.

How to use

A line chart is called using this syntax :

<linechart data="data" options="options" mode="" width="" height=""></linechart>

The line chart directives needs two attributes : data and options. If one is missing, nothing happens.


Your data should look like this :

$ = [
  {x: 0, value: 4, otherValue: 14},
  {x: 1, value: 8, otherValue: 1},
  {x: 2, value: 15, otherValue: 11},
  {x: 3, value: 16, otherValue: 147},
  {x: 4, value: 23, otherValue: 87},
  {x: 5, value: 42, otherValue: 45}

Please make sure it's sorted by abscissa.


Options must be an object with a series array. It should look like this :

$scope.options = {
  axes: {
    x: {key: 'x', labelFunction: function(value) {return value;}, type: 'linear', min: 0, max: 10, ticks: 2},
    y: {type: 'linear', min: 0, max: 1, ticks: 5},
    y2: {type: 'linear', min: 0, max: 1, ticks: [1, 2, 3, 4]}
  series: [
    {y: 'value', color: 'steelblue', thickness: '2px', type: 'area', striped: true, label: 'Pouet'},
    {y: 'otherValue', axis: 'y2', color: 'lightsteelblue', visible: false, drawDots: true, dotSize: 2}
  lineMode: 'linear',
  tension: 0.7,
  tooltip: {mode: 'scrubber', formatter: function(x, y, series) {return 'pouet';}},
  drawLegend: true,
  drawDots: true,
  columnsHGap: 5

The axes keys can be undefined. Otherwise, it can contain an key with the following properties :

  • key : optional, defines where the chart will look for abscissas values in the data (default is 'x').
  • type : optional, can be either 'date' or 'linear' (default is 'linear'). If set to 'date', the chart will expect Date objects as abscissas. No transformation is done by the chart itself, so the behavior is basically D3.js' time scale's.
  • labelFunction : optional, allows to format the axis' ticklabels. Must be a function that accepts a single argument and returns a string.
  • min : optional, forces the axis minimum value (default is computed from data)
  • max : optional, forces the axis maximum value (default is computed from data)
  • ticks : optional, configures the axis' ticks (can be either a number or an array, more on this here)

It can also contain, according to your series configuration, a y and a y2 key with the following properties :

  • type : optional, can be either linear' or 'log' (default is 'linear'). If set to 'log', the data may be clamped if its computed lower bound is 0 (this means the chart won't display an actual 0, but a close value - log scales can't display zero values).
  • min : optional, forces the axis minimum value (default is computed from data)
  • max : optional, forces the axis maximum value (default is computed from data)
  • width : optional, forces the axis width (default is 50)

The series key must be an array which contains objects with the following properties :

  • y : mandatory, defines which property on each data row will be used as ordinate value.
  • color : optional, any valid HTML color (if none given, the chart will set it for you).
  • label : optional, will be used in the legend (if undefined, the y value will be used).
  • axis : optional, can be either 'y' (default, for left) or 'y2' (for right). Defines which vertical axis should be used for this series. If no right axis is needed, none will be displayed.
  • type : optional, can be one value between 'line', 'area', 'column'. Default is 'line'.
  • striped : optional, can be either true or false. Default is false. Will be ignored if the series type is not 'area'.
  • thickness : optional, can be {n}px. Default is 1px. Will be ignored if the series type is not 'area' or 'line'.
  • lineMode : optional, can be dashed. Default is undefined. Defines whether the series is rendered as a dashed line. Removed if the series type is not line or area.
  • drawDots : optional, can be either true or false. Default is true. Defines whether the series is rendered with dots on a per series basis. Overrides the global setting.
  • visible : optional, can be either true or false. Default is true. Defines whether the series is initially visible. Will be updated if the series gets hidden or shown through a click on the legend.
  • dotSize : optional, must be an numerical value. Default is 2. Will be ignored if the series type is not area or line, or if drawDots is set to false.

The tooltip must be an object which contains the following properties :

  • mode : can be set to none, axes, or scrubber. It can also be set to scrubber, which displays tooltips for all series. Default is scrubber.
  • interpolate : can be either trueor false. Default is false. Will be ignored if the tooltip's mode is not axes.
  • formatter : optional, allows to catch the tooltip before it gets rendered. Must be a function that takes x, y and series as arguments and returns a string. Ignored when mode is not scrubber.
Optional stuff

Additionally, you can set lineMode to a value between these :

  • linear (default)
  • step-before
  • step-after
  • basis
  • basis-open
  • basis-closed
  • bundle
  • cardinal
  • cardinal-open
  • cadinal-closed
  • monotone

The tension can be set, too (default is 0.7). See issue #44 about that.

For more information about interpolation, please consult the D3.js documentation about that.

The drawLegend and drawDots are optional. They respectively enable/disable the chart's legend and the lines and areas dots. Default is true for both.

The columnsHGap is optional (default is 5). Sets the space between two columns. If you haven't any column series on your chart but are wondering why this option doesn't do anything, please don't send me an email.


The mode can be set to 'thumbnail' (default is empty string). If so, the chart will take as much space as it can, and it will only display the series. No axes, no legend, no tooltips. Furthermore, the lines or areas will be drawn without dots. This is convenient for sparklines.

Width and height

This is more a hack. The chart usually tries to infer its own dimensions regarding its parent, but sometimes it fails like a noob. That's why these two attributes can be set. The should look like this :

<linechart width="150" height="100"></linechart>


Fetch the repo :

$ git clone

Install dev dependencies :

$ npm install

Install components :

$ bower install

Watch :

$ grunt watch

Or just build :

$ grunt

Or run the visual tests, too :

$ grunt travis


You're welcome to submit issues and PRs. However, please make sure :


AngularJS is designed to build testable apps, so is this project. It has a good coverage rate (above 95%), let's keep it this way.


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  • CoffeeScript 69.5%
  • JavaScript 25.7%
  • Python 3.9%
  • Other 0.9%