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Movie Library

Single-page app for search specific movie from movie database. With Vue.js, Vuex, Vue-moment, Vuetify, and Axios


The project structure

The project consists of main component APP, one view or page component Home, and several small components. Also has the global state in store.js, vuetify plugin in vuetify.js, and couple utilities in queryHelpers and queryMaker.

Main component App

The main component serves to organize the structure of the project: the NavBar component should always be the same in all viewers in spite of Home is only one view. The component doesn't have any state and functionality.

Component NavBar

Used to show title and refreshing progress bar The component used global state refreshTimer to animate a progress bar

View component Home

The component includes several other small components, such as SearchForm, Card and About. It organizes the order of appearance, have local state and have access to the global state.


Besides these small components, it includes two progress bars. First one and upper, for the scheduled refresh, second and downer, for showing loading process, when state waiting for a response from the database. Also, it includes pagination in the upper and in the downer of the content and place for hint.

Local state

The local state consists of one variable currentPage. This variable takes the number of the current page and pass it to the global actions if the page is changed.

Global state

The component has several getters from the global state:

  • loading serve for the progress bar
  • loadingAbout serve for progress circle when about box is loading
  • loadingStart serve for the search button status
  • pages serve for defined how many pages have
  • searchResult impact for showing pagination
  • lastQuery indicator when the hint will show up
  • refreshTimer counter to animate the scheduled refresh progress bar
  • refreshTimer used for the check when need auto refresh search query
  • hint used to show a message about a response Actions from the global state:
  • getNextPage used for change current page
  • autoRefresh used for refresh request
  • getOptions used for a request for the options to search, such as genres, languages, countries, and certifications
  • runTimer used for run counting until next refresh This component used created method for getting options to search and for run timer and watch keep track of when the page is changed and when the timer will be equal to zero to send new requests.

SearchForm component

Serves as a container for various search options


Includes MenuTitle, MenuDate, MunuLanguage, MenuOther, search button and circular progress to show availability when start requests (getOptions) are still loading. The component has a local state to service all wrapped components and has a connection to the global state.

Local state

item and menu to serve to show the search menu type object contains values of all search options

Global state

The component gets getter to serve the circular progress loadingStart. Getters genres, cerificationCoutry, certifications, languages, countries fill out the select element values with similar names.


The local method onSubmit invoke when the search button is clicked. This method used queryHelper, searchQuery and searchSpecificId utility functions. These functions help to compound search query string based on selected search options. When query string is ready the global state methods a calling: specificGetRequest (when need specific id's for final request) and commonGetRequest (when no need anything else)

Components MenuTitle, MenuDate, MenuLanguage and MenuOther

These components serve for various part of search menu, have neither the local state and the global state, and serve through props from parent component SearchForm

Component Card

This component serves to represent information from an array. The simple structure consists of various tags for image and different text information. It doesn't have the local state but has a connection to the global state.

Global state

searchResult - array with information to represent Method getAboutBox serves to request specific information about the movie and pass the movie id

Component About

This component serves to represent information about a specific movie


It gets data from the global state and spread it to various tags to nicely appearance. Also, for good appearance, this component has three local methods getGenres, getCompanies and getNiceAppearance. First two to join all companies or countries in one string. The last one about budget and revenue. watch method keep track when this component close

Utilities queryHelper.js and queryMarker.js


Serve to transfer English names of genres, languages, and countries to special id's for searching query


Serve to compound all search parameters in one searching query string. File has all URL, API key. Also have three functions for year and vote to identify when range was input.

Global state in store.js

Heart of the app The store has access to several URL from queryMaker for requests in actions.

State of global state

genres, certifications, languages, countries have data for search options with similar names page, pages hold data about the current page and total pages of the response of search request lastQuery has the last query to auto-refresh. loading, loadingAbout, loadingStart serve to circular progress or to progress bar when state wait for the response aboutBox, aboutData state, and date of a specific movie refreshTimer time to auto-refresh hint text message about the status of the search query


All actions serve to get requests to the server and all using axios, except runTimer


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