Online multiplayer server (Node.Js) & client (Next.Js), written in TypeScript, using WebSockets, by Alexander Gailey-White
- Initial release
- Server waits until two or more (even number of users) are connected, and spawns a game.
Rules based on reconstruction by Irving Finkel
- Two players take turns rolling the dice
- First player randomly selected
- Pieces move around the board, through blue, up along red, then down into the green squares
- Player moves one of their available pieces, based on dice roll (between 0-4)
- Landing on a rosette (darker squares) grants another roll, maxiumum of three (3) per turn.
- A player can attack opposing pieces within the red squares, resetting that piece back to square zero (0), unless opposing piece is on the rosette, in which they're protected from attack
- To finish a piece; the roll must move (exactly) to square fifteen (15)
- To win; a player must get all pieces to square fifteen (15)
pnpm run server [1337]
to run Websocket server on optional port number (default 1337
pnpm dev
to dev build and run the Next.Js frontend. Warning, you may run into socket communication issues with double-render, try command below.
pnpm run serve
to build and run a production version of the frontend.
- Improve lobby/stats area
- Server data persistance
- Customise board size and piece count
- Challenging - Allow players to challenge their next opponent
- Scoring - Highscore, win-streak, etc
- Experimental: StyleX, for eventual
- Improve graphics
- Chatbox (maybe)
Using NGINX create an HTTPS WSS proxy server to encrypt WebSocket traffic
server {
listen 1337 ssl;
location / {
proxy_pass http://ws-backend;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
upstream ws-backend {
# enable sticky session based on IP
# The port [1337] passed to the server.js
# Run on custom server port so that it doesn't conflict with NGINX