AwesomeWallpaper plays videos, shows images and system information on your desktop wallpaper. It supports next modes:
- System Information. Shows system information on your desktop as Sysinternals BgInfo tool.
- Image. Shows an image on your desktop.
- Gallery. Shows several images on your desktop.
- Video. Plays a video on your desktop.
- Web. Allows to view web pages, including youtube in the embed mode.
- Window. Allows to set any window from your desktop as wallpaper.
AwesomeWallpaper can work on several monitors simultaneously and has many settings for manipulating wallpaper transparency, position, alignment, stretch and etc.
- OS Windows 8.1, 10
- .NET Framework 4.6.1
AwesomeWallpaper can be run only on Windows 10. If you know how to show a window behind desktop icons on Windows 7, please make a pull request.