Flipper Zero app to control SIm800l via UART interface.
Companion app for this module: https://github.com/AlexKaut/flipperzero-flipperphone-sim800l-v0.1/tree/main
Check for detailed pinup and info on how to make a module
you can also make your own module, the sim800 V2 is much easier to set up and use but has no speaker and mic I/O.
| FW RougeMaster |
| (https://flipc.org/AliHj98/Flipper-phone-app-sim800l?firmware=roguemaster) |
- Read SIM card number
- Check Simcard status
- Check signal strength
- Set baud rate <9600> for sim800l
- Fast commands
Flipper Zero pin | Sim800l interface |
1 (5V) | 5V |
13 TX | RX |
14 RX | TX |
8, 18 GND | GND |
Sends AT+CPAS Command module status: 0 - ready to work, 2 - unknown (command execution is not guaranteed), 3 - incoming call, 4 - voice connection
Sends AT+CSQ Command signal quality: 0 -115 dBm or less, 1 - 111 dBm, 2-30 -110..-54 dBm, 31 -52 dBm or more, 99 -unknown or no signal.
Sends ATD commant that starts a phone call to a specific phone number
<ATD+XXXXXXXXXXXX;> (Do not forget ";" in the end)
Phone App uses its own special keyboard for work, which has all the symbols necessary for working in the console.
To accommodate more characters on a small display, some characters are called up by holding.
In the "Send AT command" mode, the keyboard settings are changed for the convenience of entering AT commands.
Copy the contents of the repository to the applications_user/uart_terminal_phone folder Flipper Zero firmware and build app with the command ./fbt fap_uart_terminal.
Or use the tool uFBT for building applications for Flipper Zero.
Download ready [fap][https://flipc.org/AliHj98/Flipper-phone-app-sim800l?firmware=roguemaster]
- Sending text messages through flipper
- reading text messages
- recieving calls
- connecting to data and getting https request
- viewing, adding removing and saving contacts list on sim
This is a UART TERMINAL fork, Thanks to https://github.com/cool4uma