Changes since v21.03
Changes in Analysis
- #5258 2021-01-22: Analysis/Task/PWGDQ: remove unnecessary macro by @dsekihat
- #5260 2021-01-22: PID: Remove exp values from tiny PID tables by @njacazio
- #5255 2021-01-22: adding collision selections by @nzardosh
- #5270 2021-01-23: Revert "Add full table writing tasks for D0 and Lc (#4910)" by @ginnocen
- #5265 2021-01-24: PWGHF: Little fix of the J/ψ → e+ e- code. by @vkucera
- #5275 2021-01-25: updating nuclei task for skimming by @akalweit
- #5288 2021-01-26: PWGHF: Update selection on Dplus flag by @fcatalan92
- #5299 2021-01-26: removing TPerfStats by @jgrosseo
- #5313 2021-01-27: DPL / DPL Analysis: Introduce LabeledArray as an option for Variant by @aalkin
- #5266 2021-01-27: DPL Analysis: make HistogramRegistry support StepTHn by @mario-krueger
- #5277 2021-01-27: PWGHF: Add simple task dedicated to efficiency and one for QA by @njacazio
- #5368 2021-02-03: Splitting IO and wait time in metrics by @jgrosseo
- #5390 2021-02-08: DPL: fix for sending configuration with spaces by @aalkin
- #5393 2021-02-10: PWGHF: Change the eta cut with the Y cut in the tasks by @DelloStritto
- #5420 2021-02-11: Apply git clang-format to Analysis. by @vkucera
- #5358 2021-02-11: PWGHF: rework b+ task template with grouping by @aalkin
- #5421 2021-02-11: add (DCA,Pt,Mass) histogram to analyser - switch to histogram registry by @aimeric-landou
Changes in Common
- #5280 2021-01-25: Use global track indices for cross-detector matches by @shahor02
- #5371 2021-02-03: DPL: send error count in a delayed manner by @ktf
- #5378 2021-02-04: Fix: further cleanup of redundant labels by @shahor02
- #5383 2021-02-06: [ITS vertexer] Fix compilation with ITS debug by @mconcas
- #5427 2021-02-10: Apply git clang-format to GPU. by @vkucera
- #5414 2021-02-10: Changed log message from WARNING to DEBUG. by @pbuehler
- #5423 2021-02-10: Monitoring usage cleanup in DPL by @ktf
- #5440 2021-02-11: Fix mem problems related to RootSerializableKeyValStore by @sawenzel
- #5425 2021-02-11: GPU: Add SMatrixGPU and Fwd decls by @mconcas
Changes in DataFormats
- #5230 2021-01-22: Pileup and calibration DA for PHOS and CPV by @peressounko
- #5250 2021-01-22: Raw2Digits and Trigger by @mbroz84
- #5267 2021-01-23: Fix in indexing for Vertex-Track matching by @shahor02
- #5286 2021-01-25: Fix daughter labels when running parallel merger by @preghenella
- #5281 2021-01-25: Fix: increment MCEventHeader class version by @shahor02
- #5280 2021-01-25: Use global track indices for cross-detector matches by @shahor02
- #5376 2021-02-03: Fix: ensure exact target X assignment in track propagation by @shahor02
- #5366 2021-02-03: Fixes in MCCompLabel, cleanup of redundant labels in matching by @shahor02
- #5378 2021-02-04: Fix: further cleanup of redundant labels by @shahor02
- #5383 2021-02-06: [ITS vertexer] Fix compilation with ITS debug by @mconcas
- #5397 2021-02-06: fix: missing reset in its CompressedClusters by @shahor02
- #5411 2021-02-08: Developments for pedestal calibration in DPL + misc by @wiechula
- #5445 2021-02-11: Fix codechecker errors by @davidrohr
- #5410 2021-02-11: Fixes for TOF CTF creation by @noferini
- #5424 2021-02-11: [O2-2018] Changes to allow usage of either v2 or v3 of Microsoft GSL. by @aphecetche
Changes in Detectors
- #5230 2021-01-22: Pileup and calibration DA for PHOS and CPV by @peressounko
- #5250 2021-01-22: Raw2Digits and Trigger by @mbroz84
- #5269 2021-01-23: Create TPC output tracks directly in O2 format on the GPU and write directly to SHM buffer by @davidrohr
- #5271 2021-01-23: Fix codechecker violations by @davidrohr
- #5267 2021-01-23: Fix in indexing for Vertex-Track matching by @shahor02
- #5268 2021-01-23: Fix: default TPC reco output names propagated to dependent code by @shahor02
- #5262 2021-01-23: adding macro to create space charge density maps from simulations by @matthias-kleiner
- #5256 2021-01-23: file reader for TPC Tracks and Clusters (+ MC info) by @tklemenz
- #5278 2021-01-25: Cosmic tracking mode added for ITS by @shahor02
- #5272 2021-01-25: Fix codechecker warnings by @mconcas
- #5285 2021-01-25: Fixes for TPC buffer alignment / 0-size buffers by @davidrohr
- #5276 2021-01-25: Minor improvements by @davidrohr
- #5280 2021-01-25: Use global track indices for cross-detector matches by @shahor02
- #5279 2021-01-26: CPV geometry fix, run3 raw format. fix O2-1991 by @peressounko
- #5249 2021-01-26: TPCClusterFinder: Improve performance of noisy pad filter on CPU. by @fweig
- #5320 2021-01-27: Add option to create an o2 propagator instance uninitialized to be used with external matLut / gpuFieldMap by @davidrohr
- #5302 2021-01-27: Remove std::memcpy while processing data in compressor task by @preghenella
- #5364 2021-02-02: Templatize PrimaryVertexer inputs by @shahor02
- #5375 2021-02-03: Digits labels should be read via ConstMCTruthContainer by @shahor02
- #5376 2021-02-03: Fix: ensure exact target X assignment in track propagation by @shahor02
- #5366 2021-02-03: Fixes in MCCompLabel, cleanup of redundant labels in matching by @shahor02
- #5378 2021-02-04: Fix: further cleanup of redundant labels by @shahor02
- #5381 2021-02-04: Little fix in CheckClusters.C needed after the changes intoduced in PR #4777 by @iouribelikov
- #5382 2021-02-04: MFT: fix after the changes intoduced in PR #4777 by @bovulpes
- #5385 2021-02-05: example macro for Milestone Week 2 - CCDB test by @chiarazampolli
- #5383 2021-02-06: [ITS vertexer] Fix compilation with ITS debug by @mconcas
- #5397 2021-02-06: fix: missing reset in its CompressedClusters by @shahor02
- #5411 2021-02-08: Developments for pedestal calibration in DPL + misc by @wiechula
- #5386 2021-02-08: Fix conversion from string to seconds by @chiarazampolli
- #5406 2021-02-09: Executable to retrieve the CCDB entries for the Milestone Week 2 by @chiarazampolli
- #5426 2021-02-09: [EMCAL-614] Fixing the pileup simulation by @hahassan7
- #5419 2021-02-09: [TPC] fix check for number of provided canvases by @wiechula
- #5428 2021-02-11: Fix TPC digit reading macro after switch to ConstMCTruthContainer by @shahor02
- #5410 2021-02-11: Fixes for TOF CTF creation by @noferini
- #5425 2021-02-11: GPU: Add SMatrixGPU and Fwd decls by @mconcas
- #5434 2021-02-11: Implementation of CYSS support cylinder in ITS geometry by @mario6829
- #5441 2021-02-11: Reintroduce Wrapper Volume 0 for IB Layers of ITS3 Upgrade by @mario6829
- #5418 2021-02-11: TRD trigger records for raw data input and trigger record bug fix by @jbarrella
- #5377 2021-02-11: TRD: Add Configurable TRDSimParams (O2-1807) by @jolopezl
- #5416 2021-02-11: [Alice 3] Update TRK readme by @mconcas
- #5424 2021-02-11: [O2-2018] Changes to allow usage of either v2 or v3 of Microsoft GSL. by @aphecetche
- #5435 2021-02-11: remove obsolete check by @wiechula
- #5394 2021-02-12: [MCH] Introduce DCS processor by @aphecetche
Changes in EventVisualisation
- #5424 2021-02-11: [O2-2018] Changes to allow usage of either v2 or v3 of Microsoft GSL. by @aphecetche
Changes in Examples
- #5443 2021-02-12: Added macro to read event info from a Pythia8 heavy-ion simulation header by @preghenella
Changes in Framework
- #5254 2021-01-22: DPL: speed up single channel output proxy by @ktf
- #5236 2021-01-25: DPL Analysis: consolidated Variant conversions by @aalkin
- #5282 2021-01-25: DPL: refactor how we process control messages by @ktf
- #5293 2021-01-26: DPL: Adds Variant JSON helpers by @aalkin
- #5301 2021-01-26: DPL: improve WebSockets support by @ktf
- #5283 2021-01-26: DPL: introduce a WebSocketHandler by @ktf
- #5294 2021-01-26: DPL: use pid_t to refer to pids by @ktf
- #5299 2021-01-26: removing TPerfStats by @jgrosseo
- #5313 2021-01-27: DPL / DPL Analysis: Introduce LabeledArray as an option for Variant by @aalkin
- #5266 2021-01-27: DPL Analysis: make HistogramRegistry support StepTHn by @mario-krueger
- #5321 2021-01-27: DPL: Fix labeled array exception by @aalkin
- #5312 2021-01-27: DPL: include what you use by @ktf
- #5310 2021-01-27: Drop obsolete analysis example by @ktf
- #5373 2021-02-03: DPL: enable exception / segmentation fault backtrace by default by @ktf
- #5372 2021-02-03: DPL: lower severity for debug message by @ktf
- #5371 2021-02-03: DPL: send error count in a delayed manner by @ktf
- #5368 2021-02-03: Splitting IO and wait time in metrics by @jgrosseo
- #5380 2021-02-04: CCDB log improvement + DPL summary of most severe error by @jgrosseo
- #5389 2021-02-05: DPL: do not open a websocket for devices by @ktf
- #5387 2021-02-05: DPL: improve reliability of --driver-client-backend ws:// by @ktf
- #5395 2021-02-06: DPL: allow parallel WS backed drivers by @ktf
- #5390 2021-02-08: DPL: fix for sending configuration with spaces by @aalkin
- #5412 2021-02-08: DPL: handle splitted websocket header by @ktf
- #5414 2021-02-10: Changed log message from WARNING to DEBUG. by @pbuehler
- #5423 2021-02-10: Monitoring usage cleanup in DPL by @ktf
- #5449 2021-02-11: DPL: make --fairmq-ipc-prefix homogeneous by @ktf
- #5417 2021-02-11: DPL: unify JSON representation of arrays in Variant by @aalkin
- #5424 2021-02-11: [O2-2018] Changes to allow usage of either v2 or v3 of Microsoft GSL. by @aphecetche
Changes in Generators
Changes in Steer
- #5230 2021-01-22: Pileup and calibration DA for PHOS and CPV by @peressounko
- #5250 2021-01-22: Raw2Digits and Trigger by @mbroz84
- #5426 2021-02-09: [EMCAL-614] Fixing the pileup simulation by @hahassan7
Changes in Utilities
- #5271 2021-01-23: Fix codechecker violations by @davidrohr
- #5287 2021-01-25: jobutils improvements by @sawenzel
- #5297 2021-01-26: Add JOBUTILS_JOB_SKIPCREATEDONE option, and do not wipe ctf_dictionar… by @davidrohr
- #5291 2021-01-26: Hide stderr output of lsof in jobutils by @davidrohr
- #5398 2021-02-06: Some improvements for running the full system test in the CI (and the first test for the full-system-test-CI) by @davidrohr
- #5422 2021-02-10: jobutils/taskwrapper: use fairmq-shmmonitor by @sawenzel
- #5444 2021-02-11: Catch ROOT 'fatal in' / simplify fairmq-shmmonitor usage by @sawenzel
- #5424 2021-02-11: [O2-2018] Changes to allow usage of either v2 or v3 of Microsoft GSL. by @aphecetche