Talking about
This website displays live (mostly) glider traffic. More information can be found on:
You can use this repo to report issues.
You can create custom links to ogn-live, for example:,5.83412&z=6&o=1&b=46.3069,42.5792,11.0471,0.5003&l=pr&w=0&p=2&t=
The following URL parameters are currently supported:
Flag | Description | Value |
c | center coordinates | latitude,longitude |
w | show warning window | 0 - hidden |
z | zoom level | 0 (entire world) to 21 (most detailed) |
o | show offline aircrafts | 1 - show offline |
m | map type | s:sattelite, h:hybrid, r:roadmap, t:relief |
b | bounds | lat_max,lat_min,lon_max,lon_min |
s | auto set to map | 1 - true |
l | show special layers | v:wind, p:pressure, z:airspaces, a:airports, r:recievers |
u | use imperial units | i - activated |
p | path lenght | default: 5 min, p=2: 10 min, p=3 all points |
n | show side panel | 0 - hidden |
t | load task file, (see Tasks) | URL |
Currently the code handles JSON and XCSoar TSK files. You can generate such a task file with many programs (e.g. The task file can be local or hosted somewhere (hosting with CORS). Remark: github and gists has CORS enabled.
To display only aircrafts you want, you can specify a "whitelist" of device IDs in the task file (currently only supported by JSON files). The devices need to be registered in the OGN database to be recognized.
{"tasks": [
{"name": "15m", "color": "0000FF", "legs": [ [47.3,1.55],[48.2,2.3],[30000],[47.5,-1.3],[50000],[47.3,1.5] ] },
{"name": "standart","color": "FFFF00","legs": [ [47.2,1.55],[46.5,2.3],[46.5,-0.2],[47,-0.2],[47.2,1.5] ] },
{"name": "open","color": "FFFFFF","legs": [ [47.25,1.6],[48,3],[46,3],[47.22,1.6] ],"wlist": ["DD1111", "DD2222", "DD3333", "DD4444"]}
There is an external program cup2ogn.exe that will generate such a file either of a .CUC (SeeYou competition scoring file), or of a .CUP file (with or without a task, but with is better).
The backend code used in production is not yet public. However there is a alternative backend ogn-live-backend.
Description | name | URL |
Receiver list | rxml | rec.php |
Flights | cxml | lxml.php?a={{ all }}{{ boundc }}{{ recc }}{{ parc }}{{ tz }}{{ hashy }} |
Flight path | cxml1 | livexml1.php?id={{ p }}&l={{ lo }} |
Flight data | dxml | dataxml.php?i=M_{{ p }}&f={{ fi }} |
Variable | Description | Value |
all | show offline gliders | 1 - true, 0 -false |
boundc | Bounds | &b={{ amax }}&c={{ amin }}&d={{ omax }}&e={{ omin }} |
amax | Latitude | eg. 50.123456789 |
omax | Longitude | eg. -9.123456789 |
recc | unknown | &r={{ rec }} |
parc | unknown | &p={{ pw }} |
tz | timezone offset | eg. -120 |
hashy | &y={{ dt }}, "" for all types | |
dt | device type bitmask | 0x1 ICAO, 0x2 Flarm, 0x4 OGN |
p | flight identifier | eg. 12345678 |
lo | longitude.toFixed() | eg. 7 |
fi | flight id | {{ reg }} or 'hidden' |
reg | registry | eg. XXXXXX |
encpath | encoded path |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<m e="0"/>
<m a="EHTL" b="52.0607986" c="5.9376998" d="1"/>
<m a="Musbach" b="48.5047989" c="8.4768000" d="1"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<m a="48.660000,12.198000,_b8,8bde76b8,807,23:11:22,633,103,131,-0.4,3,Moosburg,0,8bde76b8"/>
<m a="49.000500,9.080170,BF,D-9989,284,21:51:28,5427,0,0,-0.1,1,Loechgau,DDA286,fc73a533"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<m e="0" i="{{ p }}" r="{{ enc_path }}"/>
Licensed under the AGPLv3.