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Text message bubble

Emee Miano edited this page Apr 1, 2022 · 3 revisions

Text message bubble is a message bubble with text content. It appears when you receive or send a text message.


Feature Description
Read more mode When the text is more than 13 lines, the system shows read more mode. Once the read more is tapped, it expands the text to its full size.
Long press to delete If the long click event occurs, the system will show the delete option.
Long press to edit If the long click event occurs, the system will show the edit option. When the edit option is tapped, the system will redirect to the edit message page.
Error to send message indicator If the message cannot be sent, the system will show the error indicator in front of the message bubble.
Sent time stamp Shown as time stamp HH:MM
Edited label If the message is edited , the edited label will be shown.
Deleted message If the message is deleted , the deleted view will be shown.
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