Releases: Andrei-Straut/jenkins-api-ts-typings
Releases · Andrei-Straut/jenkins-api-ts-typings
Version 0.8.6
Added Jenkins Build status enum
Version 0.8.5
Added Jenkins Build status enum
Version 0.8.3
Same as 0.8.1 but with const instead of var
Version 0.8.1
Change target and compatibility to es5, as es6 was giving some problems with angular2
Version 0.6.0
Introduce JenkinsTimeInQueueAction as subclass of JenkinsAction
Introduce JenkinsHealthReport
Fix various issues
Version 0.5.1
Turn "actions" property in IJenkinsBuild into typed array. Update tests accordingly.
This property is no longer automatically parsed when calling fromJson(/string), but will have to be set manually, as per package conventions
Version 0.4.0
Improve on 0.3.0.
Simplify logic.
Add JenkinsAction class
Version 0.3.1
Improved on 0.2.0, with fromJson(json: JSON) for all objects
Version 0.2.0
v0.2.0 Update links. Bump version