Supporting code for the paper "OCPDAS: Online Change-Point-Detection-Based Autoscaling for Stable Pod Scaling in Kubernetes".
We recommend installing Docker Engine following the official documentation.
We recommend installing Minikube, a local Kubernetes cluster, following the official documentation. Then start Minikube by running:
minikube start --driver=docker --cni=bridge
minikube addons enable metrics-server
We recommend install kubectl following the official document.
Then create an independent namespace named ocpdas
for testing the repository by running:
kubectl create namespace ocpdas
all the benchmark tests are conducted in the ocpdas
namespace and you can safely remove all content after reproduction the namespace following
kubectl delete namespace ocpdas
We recommend using conda to manage the running environment to reproduce the experiments.
conda env create -f environment.yml
Follow the instructions in the
file in every subfolder to run the code.