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Repository files navigation


  • Organisation switcher using clerk organisation
  • File Restoration process
  • File authorisation process

Make sure to add all env variables used in actions in the convex dashboard as they are running there

How file upload to an organisation authorization is taking place?

  • We can do it in multiple ways

    • We can make a http request to clerk on every file request but that will lead rate limiting on large scale
    • Addind files identities in the jwt but convex allow only open id specs
  • So we are using clerk webhooks and convex http actions. Create webhook endpoint in the clerk. The endpoint will be the http action endpoint. The endpoint is of the format https://<your deployment name> (e.g. Present in the http actions docs. The deployment will be present in the .env.local

    Also remove the dev: from the name.

    And add the http endpoint like /clerk

    Example ->

  • Since clerk webhooks use svix so we need to run the http action in the node js runtime instead of convex runtime

  • Also it will be an internal action will be created for clerk webhook

  • ALso here we are attaching NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL to the token identifier to distinguish its a convex one

  • Also add the env variables like CLERK_WEBHOOK_SECRET in the convex dashboard

TokenIdentifier meaning

Importance of export in the convex functions

Export make them available to be pushable to the remote convex

Making the File Upload or createfile function more robust

  • We cant run action inside a mutation because mutation is transactional while action is not. We can make fetch calls inside actions but not in mutations. So to run action inside the mutation we can schedule it
  • Current working = db file record insertion -> action scheduled and call
  • Problem -> What if the scheduled action fail?? If db record insertion failed then the action will not get scheduled but not vice versa as action is not transactional.
  • Since we cant implement transactions in convex externally, we can issue delete queries but it is still prone to errors


  • Using browsers inside serverless(50mb memory size). Instead of installing chromium browsers binaries by default. We can intall remote chromium binaries

    import puppeteer from "puppeteer-core";
    import chromium from "@sparticuz/chromium-min";
    async function takeScreenshot(url: string) {
      // Launch Puppeteer
      const browser = await getBrowser();
      // Create a new page
      const page = await browser.newPage();
      // Navigate to the URL
      await page.goto(url);
      // Wait for the page to load (adjust timing if needed)
      // Take a screenshot and get the buffer
      const screenshotBuffer = (await page.screenshot({ path: "test.png" })).buffer;
      // Close Puppeteer
      await browser.close();
      return screenshotBuffer;
    async function getBrowser() {
      return puppeteer.launch({
        args: [...chromium.args, "--hide-scrollbars", "--disable-web-security"],
        defaultViewport: chromium.defaultViewport,
        executablePath: await chromium.executablePath(
        // headless: chromium.headless,
        ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,

    But we cant use this solution for rendering pdf. Cause it relies on graphical environment. And serverless functions dont have access to that. We could have also used browless service as well.

    Due to all the issues, going for hosting a docker container and existing npm packages

More things to do

  • Adding preview snapshot of pdf or csv or other files by taking a snapshot
  • Add import pdf from notion
  • Add vector search

File and type preview logic

  • File uploaded to storage
  • Determine the file type and add to the db
  • Take a snapshot or the thumnail shot of the file(ex-> csv,image,pdf,docx,etc)
  • If zip or some other files they a default icon