A browser extension to convert gairaigo (Japanese loan words) back to English.
Please follow the installation instructions to configure your browser, then click here to get the user script.
Gairaigo from other source languages is also converted to English.
Based on the Google Translate API, which was described in this post.
基于谷歌翻译开发,API 参考此处。
The GitHub issue tracker has been disabled to prevent duplicate comments. Please report bugs and issues to the Greasy Fork feedback page. Check whether you could visit Google Translate if the extension does not work on your PC.
为避免两边重复发帖,GitHub Issues 现已关闭,敬请访问 Greasy Fork 反馈您的问题和建议。 由于众所周知的原因,某些地区有时无法访问谷歌翻译。如果您无法使用此扩展,请先检查能否访问该网站。